Role of National Human Rights Commission in Protection and Promotion of Human Rights in Bangladesh 12 th Human Rights Summer School (HRSS) Venue: PHRDC, Koitta, Manikganj Date: December 2011 Sayeed Ahmad Expert, Public Information and Training National Human Rights Commission Capacity Development project UNDP, Bangladesh
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Bangladesh National Human Rights Commission Act, 2009 was enacted on 14 July 2009 The Commission was reconstituted with the appointment of the Chairman, one Full Time Member and five Honorary Members on 23 June 2010 Prior to that, NHRC started functioning since December, 2008 under the Ordinance of 2007
Status of the NHRC Statutory Independent Body (sec 3). The Commission shall have perpetual succession and the power to acquire, hold, manage, dispose of property and shall by the said name sue or be sued (Person before Law). The Commission shall have the power like as the Civil Court (as of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908) for the purposes of investigations and inquiries (sec 16).
To inquire, suo-moto or on a petition presented to it by a person affected or any person on his behalf, into complaint of violation of human rights or abetment thereof, by a person /state or government agency/public servant. To visit any jail or any other places where persons are detained or lodged for the purpose of correction, custody, treatment, or such other welfare, and to make recommendation to the government thereon for the development of those places and conditions. To review the safeguards of human rights provided by the Constitution or any other law for the time being in force and to make recommendation to the government for their effective implementation.
To research or study treaties and other international instruments on human rights and to make recommendation to the government for their effective implementation. To examine the draft bills and proposals for new legislation for verifying their conformity with international human rights standards and to make recommendations for amendment to the appropriate authority for ensuring their uniformity with the international human rights instruments. To give advice to the Government for ratifying or signing the international human rights instruments and to ensure their implementation.
To research into human rights and to take part in their execution in educational and professional institutions; To publicize human rights literacy among various sections of society and to promote awareness of the safeguards available for the protection of those through publications and other available means; To encourage and coordinate the efforts of Non-Governmental Organizations and institutions working in the field of human rights; To enquire and investigate into complaint related to the violation or probability of violation of human rights and resolve the issue through mediation and consensus. To advise and assist the Government by providing necessary legal and administrative directions for protection and development of human rights.
To make recommendation to the Government so that the measures taken through the laws of the land in force and administrative programs are of international standard ensuring human rights; To assist and advice the organizations, institutions and generally the civil society for effective application of human rights; To arrange research, seminar, symposium, workshop and related activities for increasing public awareness and to publish and disseminate the research results. To provide training to the members of the Law enforcing agencies regarding protection of human rights; To provide legal assistance to the aggrieved person or any other person on behalf of the aggrieved person to lodge a complain before the Human Rights Commission;
Conducted a baseline study on the Human Rights situation of the country Developed and adopted 5 years Strategic plan with broad consultation Initiated countrywide campaign ‘Working Together with key stakeholders’. Initiated capacity building activities for human rights workers, journalists. Produced awareness raising materials Increased number of complaint management: 317 complaints in 2011 compared to 205 in 2010 and 72 in 2009
Successfully dealt with complaints: Freedom fighter Ila Rani, Kader, Limon Provided opinion on draft laws like Trafficking Act, Prison Act. Also gave input on Constitutional amendment and vowed support to the war crime trial. In response to the visits in Hospitals and raising the concern about corruption, ACC is looking into. In response to the recommendation of NHRC, monthly allocation per child has been increased from Tk 1150 to Tk 1900 at the orphanages. The Prime Minister has ordered to create the position of 64 cooks at the orphanages of each district in response to the recommendation of the NHRC.
‘B’ status given by the International Coordination Committee (global appex body for the NHRIs) Associate membership given by the Asia Pacific Forum (APF)- the regional platform for the NHRIs.
Publication and dissemination of baseline survey findings Massive Public awareness activities Capacity building activities for the Journalist, Law Enforcing agency, Human Rights Activists and students Introducing complaint management software, online complaint filling system Facilitate UPR follow up and next round reporting Issue based research and publication.
Thanks for your hearing AND Look forward to discussion