Community Monitoring started in the State of Meghalaya with the constitution of a State Advisory Group on Community Action (SAGCA) on March State Level: State Advisory Group on Community Action Cum State Monitoring & Planning Committee (SAGCA)/ State Mentoring Team, State Nodal Officer, State Nodal NGO (VHAM) is in place. District Level: District Monitoring & Planning Committee Cum District Mentoring Team, District Nodal Officer incharge on Community Monitoring, District cum Block Nodal NGO is in place. PHC level: PHC Monitoring & Planning Committee is in place. Village Level: Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committee is in place.
Area of Implementation. Jaintia Hills District: NGO: Mih Myntdu Community Welfare Association No of Blocks: 3 Number of PHC: 9, Number of Villages: 45 East Khasi Hills District: NGO: Grassroot No of Blocks: 3, Number of PHC: 9, Number of Villages: 45 Status of Jaintia Hill District and East Khasi Hills District. Orientation & re-orientation of (DMPC) District Monitoring and Planning Committee Cum District Mentoring Team at the district level by DMHO and District Nodal NGO completed. Orientation & re-orientation of the (PHC MPC) PHC Monitoring and Planning Committee at the block level, VHSNC Cum Monitoring and Planning Committee at the village level by the District Nodal NGO completed. Review meetings in all levels is in progress. Data collection on Maternal Health Guarantees, JSY, Child Health, Disease Surveillance, Curative Services, United funds, Quality of Care, Community perceptions of ASHA, ASHA functioning are also being done.
Public meeting and consultation is almost completed. Jan Samvad was conducted in 6 Blocks i.e Jaintia Hills District-Thadlaskein Block, Laskein Block, Khliehriat Block. East Khasi Hills District- Laitkroh Block, Shella Bhollaganj Block and Mawryngkneng Block. West Garo Hills District: NGO:BAKDIL No of Blocks: 3, Number of PHC: 9, Number of Villages: 45 Status of West Garo Hills District. BAKDIL is selected to facilitate the whole programme in this district and they started their activities only on January Workshop cum orientation at the district level is completed. Six month data collection is completed by the new NGO i.e. Bakdil. Experiences from Jan Samvad. Jan Samvad has enable people to voice their concern on health matters of the community. Issues regarding the issuing of birth certificate to the inhabited areas were also taken up by the Additional Deputy Commissioner. Certain health centres were not functioning as required and the DMHO concerned has been informed to address this issue.
Challenges. Presence of good NGOs – Attrition rate of staff in the NGO is high. The VHSNC members are not aware of their roles e.g. record keeping, etc. Low participation of male members. Coordination and partnership with other line departments. Current Year Plan. State Level consultation to be organized for the SAGCA and State Nodal Officer and other Stakeholders like SNGOs and DNGOs. More importance will be given in capacity building of the VHSNC members. IEC campaign across the State by involving the local folk troupe. The state will be conducting convergence meetings with other departments. Sensitization to the media on community monitoring programme. NGOs to take full responsibility to empower VHSNC.
Future Plan Scaling up- Three Year Plan Few blocks in all the districts – Scale it up to cover all the villages in the states
Support from AGCA Technical support for preparing long term plan (Three Years) State Level consultation to be organized for the SAGCA and State Nodal Officer and other Stakeholders like SNGOs and DNGOs. To provide resource materials in implementing programme
Issues: VHSNC training not approved so it is put up in the supplementary plan. The approved budget for Community Monitoring is Rs lakhs out of the plan budget ie Rs crores, so scaling up in all the district is not feasible.
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