The Liturgical Year 7 th Grade Religion. The Liturgical year liturgical year – a sequence of specific seasons and feasts that are celebrated in the liturgy.


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Presentation transcript:

The Liturgical Year 7 th Grade Religion

The Liturgical year liturgical year – a sequence of specific seasons and feasts that are celebrated in the liturgy during a year. In each year, we celebrate the whole life of Jesus Christ.

Seasons: Advent Christmas Lent Triduum Easter Ordinary Time

Advent starts the liturgical year is the time to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. COLOR - purple/violet

Christmas begins on Christmas Day is a celebration of the birth of the Son of God we celebrate that God is with us always. COLOR - White

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday We remember that Jesus suffered, died, and rose to new life to save us from our sins and give us new life in the Kingdom of God. We work to grow closer to Jesus and one another through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Preparing for the Easter Triduum. COLOR - purple/violet

Triduum the Church’s greatest and most important celebration means “three days” Starts on sunset on Holy Thursday and continues through Good Friday and Holy Saturday until sunset on Easter Sunday we remember and celebrate the suffering, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ COLOR – white/gold except for Good Friday, which is red

Easter Begins on sunset Easter Sunday and continues until Pentecost we rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection and the new life we have in Jesus Christ Also celebrate Christ’s Ascension into Heaven. COLOR – white except for Pentecost which is red

Ordinary Time 7 th Grade Religion

Ordinary Time Celebrated in two parts: between Christmas and Lent, and between Easter and Advent we celebrate the life and teachings of Jesus Christ learn what it means to be his disciples Last day of the liturgical year: Christ the King COLOR - green

What is “Ordinary?” Ordinary Time means “counted” or “ordered” time The purpose of Ordinary Time is to celebrate Christ in every way: –His Life –Teachings –Parables –Miracles

Scripture Scripture readings during OT are not focused on a theme. Scripture comes from a variety of books in order to give us a strong foundation There are three cycles that the Church follows: –Cycle A – Gospel of Matthew –Cycle B – Gospel of Mark –Cycle C – Gospel of Luke* The Gospel of John is reading each year during seasons outside of OT.

Holy Days of Obligation Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God – January 1 st Ascension – forty days after Easter Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – August 15 All Saints’ Day – November 1 Immaculate Conception – December 8 Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ – December 25

Liturgical Colors White –Joy, purity, and victory –Used for the Christmas and Easter –also used for the feasts of Our Lord, Mary, the angels, and for saints who are not martyrs

Liturgical Colors Red –Represents the color of blood and sacrifice –Represents the Holy Spirit (the color of fire) –Used on Passion Sunday, Good Friday, Pentecost, and Confirmation –Used on masses for martyrs

Liturgical Colors Green: –A sign of life and hope (the color of trees and plants) –Used during Ordinary Time

Liturgical Colors Purple/Violet –Represents expectation, preparation, and repentance –Used for Advent and Lent

solemnity – a great celebration of the church. Every Sunday is a solemnity.