Attachment and the Family/Relationship Lifecycle
Relate – A brief history Established 70 years ago by Reverand Dr Herbert Gray Opened the doors to a marriage guidance service in 1938 The first counsellors had little or no training
Early client issues….. Total ignorance about sex Managing living with extended family members Return of ex service men and women at the end of WWII
Today Relate sees approximately 150,000 clients annually This includes 22,000 children and young people and 9,000 families Relate has 2,000 practitioners working across 78 centres in England and Wales We have our own training institute delivering courses to M.A. and MSc level
Relate Cymru From the 1 st April 2010 the centres in Wales merged to form an all- Wales Organisation
Relate Cymru Services Relationship and family Counselling Sex Therapy Family Mediation Child contact Services and Centres Choose 2 Change
Attachment across the family/relationship life cycle
Underlying strategy behind the Relate Approach The 3 stage model: Exploration Understanding Action
The Relate Approach takes an eclectic position drawing on theoretical models from a range of sources
The Model of Attachment originated in the field of child psychiatry and the works of John Bowlby. An emotional bond that impacts from “the cradle to the grave”
Relate works with the effect of attachment patterns set down in childhood on the on-going adult couple relationship and family system
ATTACHMENT STYLES IN ADULTS Secure Attachment Anxious/ambivalent – Preoccupied Anxious/Avoidant/Dismissive
Attachment problems are often shared between the couple. Couples are drawn together because of complimentary attachment behaviour but these can become conflicting over time Anxious pre-occupied- anxious avoidan t
What is a Genogram? A graphic representation, rather like a joint family tree of all the relationships of importance during the life time of each partner. It can identify patterns of interaction and attachment patterns are clearly evident.
Relate Cymru’s Mission “To promote health respect and justice in couple and family relationships”
Relate Cymru’s Vision “A future in which good couple and family relationships form the heart of a thriving society”