Panel on Inclusion Plans for Supplier Diversity 2013 DES Training Conference & Trade Show Presented by Seattle Public Utilities, OMWBE, DES, City of Seattle October 30,
Ask prime contractors to propose how they will contribute to helping the agency to reach its supplier diversity goals The awarded prime contractor’s proposal for supplier diversity goal contribution becomes part of the enforceable contract I NCLUSION P LAN T HEORY 2
Inclusion plans are a tool the private sector has been using for many years Federal supplier diversity goals have been met using inclusion plans City of Seattle has been developing and using inclusion plan methods for years W HERE DO INCLUSION PLANS COME FROM ? 3
DES has started to experiment with inclusion plans –TLA Project –Job Order Contracting –Design Bid Build H AVE THERE BEEN ANY STATE OF W ASHINGTON I NCLUSION P LANS ? 4
Work before the solicitation The solicitation forms The evaluation Incorporating inclusion plan into awarded contract Contract monitoring for inclusion plan performance Systems & accounting & support C ITY OF S EATTLE I NCLUSION P LAN E XPERIENCE 5
Thank you Questions 6