WHEN? TEMPUS PROJECT Implementation period - Present - TEMPUS PROJECT Ending period - Present - SUSTAINABILITY Further maintenance / development - Future -
SUSTAINABILITY? - PROJECT ORIENTED - Outcomes of the project continue after the end of EU funding Relevant activities are pursued and outputs are maintained or developed after the end of the EU funding e.g.: continuing the courses
A SUSTAINABLE PROJECT: Maintains and develops the outcomes, goals and products Creates new outcomes and products Institutionalizes the process Enlarges and intensifies the cooperation A NON-SUSTAINABLE PROJECT: Maintains staff positions Maintains all activities Depends on grant funding
S USTAINABILITY – FACTORS ? Project-levelContext-level
Project-level factors: Quality – Project design Partners -Searching - Partners - Involvement Management and leadership Active audience Securing funding for continuation SUSTAINABILITY – FACTORS?
Context-level factors: Academic support National Support Socio-economic support
SUSTAINABILITY – HOW? - Real needs of the target group - Long-term market trends - Close involvement of the PC institutions in the design period - Innovation - New ideasReforms/ Improvements Level of risk implied - Risk and needs analysis PROJECT DESIGN
S USTAINABILITY – HOW ? Sources of partners’ motivation; mutual benefits; Group the team; Dedicated staff; project work career opportunities Balanced and continuous involvement Participative management, clear decision-making procedures, regular reporting New project perspectives for the partners INVOLVMENT
SUSTAINABILITY – HOW? Manager: - experience in international projects - Compatibility – time, field, reliability - : work in the project – institutional work Influent / important persons in the design part – promote innovation Clear roles and responsibilities Feedback from: National Tempus Coordinators, external advisers, partners; Dissemination to most influential top-level bureaucrats; Quality procedures in line with Western academic practices; Anticipate staff turnover and create capacities for other potential staff. MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP
SUSTAINABILITY – HOW? Cultural and creative planning – preventing the cultural barriers to participation; Participation of students and target publics in the implementation of activities (dissemination, tutoring new participants, building a website, etc.). Symbolic rewards to the most committed ones (e.g. article in the newsletter). ACTIVE AUDIENCE
SUSTAINABILITY – HOW? Which activities need to be sustainable? Their cost? Who will sustain your project? - Private / public institutions - Establishing formal agreements Lobby Expensive activities – few costs Alternatives: e-learning courses, videoconferences, local rather than EU experts, etc. Attractive curriculum – tuition fees for students SECURING RESOURCES
SUSTAINABILITY – HOW? Which types of activity can benefit from university support (material, financial and human)? - formal commitment regarding resource allocation; Project attractive for the university strategy; Top managers – active involved; Publicize the project: enhances added value for institutions (e.g. leaflets, newspaper interviews) ACADEMIC SUPPORT
SUSTAINABILITY – HOW? Opportunities and threats for future accreditation; Attractiveness and future visibility for national and academic bodies; Individual contacts with members of the Ministries and other important authorities. NATIONAL SUPPORT
SUSTAINABILITY – HOW? Support from local (private or public) actors to ensure the project’s sustainability; Cultural gaps or economic impediments to socio- economic support; SOCIO-ECONOMIC SUPPORT
THANK YOU! Catalina Brinza Babes – Bolyai University, Center for Health Policy and Public Health