2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen1 Latin Mass for Dummies It’s Good to Be Catholic CCRC
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen2 Et introibo ad altáre Déi The Mass begins with Psalm 42 Known as the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, this expresses an ardent desire to worship God
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen3 Latin Mass? Which Latin Mass do you mean? For Roman Catholics, there are currently two forms of the Mass, either of which can be celebrated in Latin These are the Ordinary Form, and the Extraordinary Form
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen4 Rites, Usages, and Forms There is no firm definition of Rite within the Catholic Church There are four major families of Rites within the Catholic Church, with a variety of liturgies to be found within each Rite.
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen5 Latin Rite The largest number of Catholics in the world fall within the Roman Rite, so much so that Catholic is often used as a synonym for Roman Catholic Other Latin Rites include the Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Bragan, Dominican, Carmelite, and Carthusian.
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen6 Antiochian Rite Maronite Syriac Malankarese Chaldean Syro-Malabarese
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen7 Byzantine Rite For nearly every Orthodox Church, there is a group of Catholics that celebrate a similar liturgy to the Orthodox Christians, but recognize the primacy of the See of Peter
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen8 Alexandrian Rite Coptic Ethiopian/Abyssinian
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen9 History The Council of Trent ( ) The Second Vatican Council ( ) Ecclesia Dei Summorum Pontificum
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen10 The Order of the Mass The Mass of the Catechumens The Mass of the Faithful
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen11 The Mass of the Catechumens The Preparation Prayers at the Foot of the Altar Introit Kyrie Gloria The Instruction Collect Epistle Gradual Alleluia Gospel Credo
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen12 The Mass of the Faithful The Offertory which includes the Offertory antiphon, the offering of bread, the pouring of water and wine into the chalice, the offering of the chalice Lavabo Secret The Consecration (or Canon) Preface Canon of the Mass Holy Communion Pater Noster Agnus Dei Reception of Holy Communion by the Faithful Ablutions Ite, Missa Est The Last Gospel
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen13 Mass Low Mass High Mass
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen14 Vestments Amice Alb Cincture Maniple Stole Chasuble Biretta
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen15 Amice
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen16 Alb
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen17 Cincture
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen18 Maniple
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen19 Stole
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen20 Chasuble
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen21 Biretta
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen22 Gregorian Chant Named after Pope Gregory the Great Gregorian Chant is the traditional music of the Roman Rite
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen23 FAQs Participation Fasting Veils What else?
2009/04/16©2009 Benjamin Espen24 Sources lic Beliefs/Liturgical Vestments.html lic Beliefs/Liturgical Vestments.html s/catholic_rites_and_churches.htm s/catholic_rites_and_churches.htm