Diversity and Interdependence of Life Unit 2 Test Review.


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Presentation transcript:

Diversity and Interdependence of Life Unit 2 Test Review

Population Arrangement Population range: where members of a population are found (Grey Wolf Habitat)

Population Arrangement Population distribution: how individual members of populations are spread out within their range O = INDIVIDUAL WOLF PACKS

Population Arrangement Population density: the number of individual in a certain amount of space; this is a number Urban areas (cities) have a high population density Population Density = the number of people/area EX. New York City 58,821 people/square mile West Milton has 1,429 people/square mile

Population Growth These things affect a population’s growth rate: 1.Birth Rate: how many individuals are born. When the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the population increases. 2.Death Rate: how many individuals die. When the death rate is higher than the birth rate, the population decreases. 3.Immigration: how many individuals move into an area 4.Emigration: how many individuals exit an area

Population Growth If the population has unlimited resources and unlimited space, it will grow very rapidly, This rapid growth is called exponential growth. # of people = 2n-1 n= the previous generation number

Population Growth Most populations have limiting factors; therefore, they show logistic growth.

Population Growth PHASE 1: Exponential Growth PHASE 2: Growth Rate Slows PHASE 3: Growth Rate stops. Birth Rate = Death Rate

Population Growth These limiting factors can be density- dependent or density-independent. 1.Density-Dependent Factors are factors that control the growth of large populations. Examples of density-dependent factors include food supply, water supply, disease, predation, competition, living space.

Population Growth

These limiting factors can be density- dependent or density-independent. 2. Density-Independent Factors limit population growth regardless of the size of the population. Example include catastrophic events such as earthquakes and volcanoes, severe storms and flooding, extreme cold spells, etc.

Demography The study of the structure of human populations Age structures (population pyramids) are often used.

Population Geography

Countries with high industrialization typically have high carbon dioxide emissions, which contribute to greenhouse gases and ultimately, global warming. Countries with high industrialization are also typically the wealthier countries.

Ecological Footprint Ecological footprint: how much space and resources it takes to support a person’s lifestyle.

Ecological Hot Spot