27 June Heads and Principles Meeting Nigel Jewell
School 2013 to ACEM predicted trend ACEM predicted gap Gap trend A -17% 2% B -18% 5% C -21% 10% D -11% 29% E -16% 30% F -26% 44% G +18% 53%
Coastal & Country 11 to 52% PP Urban and Rural Local & Dispersed Contrasting contexts but Common purpose A wealth of transferable practice
PP funding ring-fenced to spend on target group Maintained high expectations of target group Thoroughly analysed which pupils were underachieving and why Used evidence to allocate funding to big-impact strategies High quality teaching, not just interventions to compensate for poor teaching Used achievement data to check interventions effective and made adjustments where necessary Highly trained support staff Senior leader with oversight of how PP funding is being spent Teachers know which pupils eligible for PP Able to demonstrate impact Involve governors
StrategyDescription Intervention co- ordinators Extra staff to track progress; manage interventions; measure impact etc Stretch activities for more able Summer school, a philosophy course and a critical thinking course for the more able Pupil Premium Pupils Pupil Premium BlogOnline information sharing and debate for Pupil Premium Pupils and Parents Intervention TutoringExtra tutor groups constructed to provide intensive withdrawal support from senior staff for the most needy Pupil Premium Pupils Passport to Success (an ‘all pupils’ strategy) Employability skills defined with local companies and written into the rewards system Teachers as TAsAll spare timetable capacity is used to strategically deploy teachers as TAs with Pupil Premium Pupils. On the same model, the surplus capacity is used to staff intervention Parent BriefingTo increase engagement and support for learning, promoted via personalised invites and chasing texts EggtoothAn inspiring experiential programme for middle ability, quieter pupils who may go un-noticed
StrategyDescription Feedback response an ‘all pupils’ strategy) When pupils need to respond to feedback, it is defined as a ‘mission’; ‘mission accomplished’ when completed and approved Personalised Intervention Tracking data is used to identify those Pupil Premium Pupils most at risk: interventions may be defined within IEPs Pupil Premium Identification A class folder (seating plans identified vulnerabilities, pupil photos, progress data etc) is available in every room to ensure continuity of support from cover and supply teachers Staff research projectsEvery staff member completes an action research project as part of their PM. Many staff are finding out what works with their Pupil Premium Pupils and will share these with other staff in due course Home School liaison officer A support member of staff for vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils School CounsellorA trained counsellor to assist with attendance and integration issues for vulnerable Pupil Premium Pupils; referrals via Home School Liaison Officer Pupil Premium Risk Assessment A Risk Assessment Rating for each Pupil Premium Pupil to inform the level of intervention required, and to research what works well for the zero-risk-rated pupils.
What are your concerns?What support’s needed? Staff PP lead SLT Governor communication? Measuring impact? What to include in your statement? Engaging staff? Engaging parents? Inspection? Anything else that might make you feel worse? In school? Between schools? Resources? Training for PP Leads? Training for staff? Seeing best practice? How to evaluate? Next year’s strategy? Critical friend? Preparation for…? Anything else that might make you feel better?
Develop the Pupil Premium Leads network & meet again? (This network was recently established and involved over half of the Secondary Schools & Academies in ESCC) Consultancy support (from NJ &/or SLES)? Peer support? Other services? Extend support beyond the ‘project’ schools? Extend support cross-phase?