Ohio Social Studies Strands for twelfth grade students By Matthew Opperman
Table of Contents 1. American Heritage 1. American Heritage 2. People in Societies 2. People in Societies 3. World Interactions 3. World Interactions 4. Decision Making and Resources 4. Decision Making and Resources 5. Democratic Processes 5. Democratic Processes 6. Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities 6. Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities 7. Science, Technology, and Society 7. Science, Technology, and Society
American Heritage
American Heritage 1 Trace your family linage back four generations How did the actions of your ancestors effect the world today? Explain how the decisions of the founding fathers still effect our world today.
American Heritage 2 Presidents are often faced with difficult decisions. Hypothesize how the world would be different if they made a different decision. (ex. Atomic Bomb, Abolitionism) Explain how we as a country are still struggling with issues that are centuries old. (ex. States rights)
Related Websites United States History du du du du History Education Library of Congress ica ica ica ica Family Trees rg rg rg rg Bill of Rights
People in Societies
Examine how a potential war with Iraq would effect the cultures of the rest of the world? Examine how a potential war with Iraq would effect the cultures of the rest of the world? If you were the President what steps would you take to fight the war on terrorism and how would your actions effect the rest of the world? If you were the President what steps would you take to fight the war on terrorism and how would your actions effect the rest of the world? How does the depletion of the South American Rainforest effect the people of South America? List some advantages that a country like the U.S. possess from destroying the rainforest? Investigate a major religion and discuss what effects it has had on the world.
Related Websites United Nations U.S. Census Bureau Global Population Rainforest Organization Save the Rainforest Organization
World Interactions
World Interactions 1 If the United States does not receive international backing in a possible attack on Iraq, how would that effect our standing within the UN? Create a way to generate power other than oil, how would this effect the economies of many middle eastern countries.
World Interactions 2 How would you help the people of a country we were at war with? Many countries posses nuclear weapons, how would you rid the world of these weapons without putting America at risk for attack? If you were the President during the Cold War how would have you have dealt with the tensions and confrontations we encountered during this time period?
Related Websites CNN News Fox News N.Y. Times Interactive World News dwide dwide dwide dwide Public Awareness Worldwide
Decision Making and Resources
Decision Making and Resources 1 If you were running for office what changes would you make to the welfare system and other services that reallocate our national resources? Create a persuasive essay that argues for or against expanding social services for the poor. Create changes that should be made to the social security system in this country?
Decision Making and Resources 2 Create in your estimation a fair system for taxing the people of this country. Pretend you are either a rich or poor person in this country. Write a persuasive essay on why you should receive more federal funds or a bigger tax break.
Related Websites U.S. Treasury Dept. Federal Budget U.S. Federal Reserve White House Ohio State Auditors Office
Democratic Processes
Democratic Processes 1 Pretend you are President Bush, what steps would you need to take in order to commit troops to Iraq under the Constitution? Examine the election of 2000 and examine the constitutional steps that each branch of government took. Did these steps uphold the ideals of the constitution?
Democratic Processes 2 Defend the Electoral College or create a new electoral system and explain why your system would better represent the voice of the people. Explain how the U.S. Supreme Court was able to trump the Florida Supreme Court in the election of Design a solution to the debate over state’s rights and imposing the will of the federal government. Consider the democratic principles involved here when you design your solution. (debate over reintroduction of gray wolf into the national parks in Wyoming)
Related Websites U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Congress U.S. Senate Ohio Legislature
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
Citizens Rights and Responsibilities 1 Register the Students to vote. Write a letter to your Congressperson regarding their stance on a certain issue. Develop an idea or a change you would like to see implemented in your school. Petition the student council to hear your idea for the change.
Related Websites Judicial Branch Bill of Rights Fair Voting Practices Voting for Students U.S. Dept. of Justice
Science, Technology, and Society
Science, Technology, and Society 1 Use the Internet to research a topic for a paper pertaining to one of the six social studies strands. Create a Power Point presentation on a President of your choice. Use the internet to register to vote.
Science, Technology, and Society 2 Create a web critique on a government sponsored web page. a elected official on a topic you would like changed.
The End