“Developing a Co-ordinated Inter-Agency National Action Plan to Eradicate Trafficking in Persons” In Tokyo 27 – 28 June 2005
Presenter Federal Agent Kurt Plummer National Coordinator Transnational Sexual Exploitation Australian Federal Police
Presentation Outline Formation and Implementation of Transnational Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking Team (TSETT) Transnational capacity and liaison Initiatives
What is Australia and the AFP doing to combat transnational sexual exploitation of women and children?
Whole of Government Approach Inter Departmental Committee (IDC) – Whole of Government approach Implementation process undertaken Package of measures announced in October 2003 and implemented from 1 January 2004.
The Government Package Government package announced 13 October 2003 ($20 million total). Measures include: $7 million over 4 years (total $11.7 million). Establishment of TSETT (investigation and intelligence capacity). Victim support measures : Case manager (Southern Edge Training), visas, repatriation. Training measures (Human Trafficking Specialist Investigation Program)
Australian Response To Trafficking in Persons AG AFP ACC OfW DIMIA Australian Whole of Government Response DFAT
AFP Structure TSETT Intelligence and coordination TSETT Investigation teams: Sydney and Melbourne – investigation capacity Australia wide Total of 23 members AFP Liaison Officer Network Work with other agencies: DIMIA, AUSTRAC, DPP, State Police
AFP Response Surveillance Investigators Technical Intelligence AFP Strike Team approach International Officers
TSETT Functions Focus on human trafficking (sexual exploitation) and child sex tourism. Initial coordination point for national and international investigation. Assess referrals and information. Target and develop entities of interest. Investigation and Intelligence (collate and analyse) capacity. Operational Intelligence assessments. Reporting requirements to stakeholders.
Networking the Domestic and International Environment for Detection
Transnational Capacity AFP Liaison Network – 32 Posts in 26 Countries Intelligence gathering and assist investigations Liaise with local law enforcement and exchange intelligence TSETT country environmental scans Initiate investigations and ongoing enquiries in Australia. Through LECP: assistance, training, support
AFP - International Liaison Network SOUTH PACIFIC Honiara Port Moresby Port Vila Suva (Pacific Is. based in Canberra) Bali Bangkok Beijing Chiang Mai Dili Hanoi Ho Chi Minh City Hong Kong Islamabad Jakarta Kuala Lumpur Mandalay Manila Phnom Penh Rangoon Singapore ASIA AMERICAS Bogotá Brasilia New York (UN) Washington DC EUROPE & AFRICA Beirut Belgrade Dubai The Hague London Lyon (Interpol) Pretoria 32 Offices in 26 Countries, 53 Officers, 9 Advisors & 3 Interpol
Bali Process Regional Ministerial Conference on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime Follow-up strategies to concentrate on advancing operational cooperation to combat trafficking and smuggling of persons.
Capacity Building Initiatives Delegation attended the 4 th World Congress on Family Law and Children's Rights. TSETT Course developed by AFP College Canberra. Cooperation with the UNODC on developing an On-Line training package. Developing ‘Best Practice’ models for investigators.
Conclusion Way forward: Liaison with local & international law enforcement is essential Liaison with government and non-government agencies Collaborative approach
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