Pumas The Non Roaring Cat By: MF
The puma lives from the high cold mountains to the low hot desert. but the place doesn’t matter because it’s the amazing way they act to survive is amazing the way the jaws thrash and Carrie their prey to a place where they can eat it for the day. Their scientific name is felis concolor Their family is big cats
baby pumas have black spots that help them blend into bushes pumas may have light brown fur they could have reddish fur also gray fur ( which isn’t because they’re old) pumas also could have dark black fur Eyes have a black spot on them Ears are brown The tail is more than half the length of the body pumas weighs 125 to 160 lbs. A male puma is about 8 to 9 ft. a female puma is about 6 to 7 ft.
The puma is endangered in some places and not in another cougars are endangered in Florida less then 100 in the western united states few thousand remain in the western united stets cougars are threatened but not endangered pumas live to 18 to 20 in the wild they can live slightly longer in zoos
These are some of the amazing habitats that puma lives in… € another habitat is high cold mountains that pumas like to catch hare up their so they get a lot of meat high up there € also they live in the rain forest that probably allot of meet is there so their well cared for € some times they can even live in the desert
There are many climates for pumas these are some of them the climate in the grass lands are dry but bitterly cold in the winter in the desert the climate is very cold at night but at 200 degrees Fahrenheit height highest in the rain forest it is wet and earthy
Pumas are carnivores so that means they eat meat pumas stalk their prey pumas get their food by pouncing on their prey and biting them on the neck with their cyanine teeth some times they go for a wild goose chase
Prey-what they kill deer for up in the mountains Hare also in the mountains if they have to they eat insects Pumas eat birds Fish In the streams amphibians sheep goats What kills them humans kill pumas for their beautiful skin that is very delicate since cats are very territorial cats kill each other but I doubt they eat each other in cannibalism
Pumas have behaviors to survive pumas will bring their prey up a tree or in a quiet place deep in the forest to eat pumas will hide when large groups of people gather to watch them that is why you don’t see them in zoo’s pumas don’t hunt in groups because then they might not have enough food for everyone in their group
Reproduction is a fatal thing for pumas 1 to 3 babies can be born from the mom pumas are born blind after two years pumas baby pumas levee their mom pumas hunt with their mom at six moths old pumas when they are young have spots on them so they can camouflage in bushes Women pumas have birth every 2 years
Long sharp teeth for tearing and holding on to meat sharp claws for hunting, fighting and climbing the hairs on a puma helps it stay warm or not get wet
200 lbs. of muscle is one thing you can’t see a lot of muscle in the leg helps them jump off flat land to up to 40 ft. of flat land some of the muscle is used for comforting the claws when they come out excellent sight and hearing to get prey
pumas hide so they can catch their prey by surprise pumas hunt more in the day so they don’t run into other big cats an angry puma may snarl or lay its ears back to warn off prey and predator
the puma is largest cat in north America the pumas’ other names are mountain lion, catamount, cougar, panther, silver lion, mountain devil, mountain demon, Mexican tiger, brown tiger, deer tiger and mountain screamer Pumas will scamper up a tree because of a yapping poodle pumas are considered threats to cattle