V.I.D.E.O. Video-CV to Increase and Develop Employment Opportunities GENERAL PRESENTATION Marco Merlini First Transnational Workshop Rome, 18-19 March.


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Presentation transcript:

V.I.D.E.O. Video-CV to Increase and Develop Employment Opportunities GENERAL PRESENTATION Marco Merlini First Transnational Workshop Rome, March 2009

GENERAL FRAMEWORK The V.I.D.E.O. Project is focused on the development of a new, innovative tool aimed to help the match between the job demand and supply, with particular focus on a target of women (in Italy) and over 45 adults (in Greece) without gender distinction. The Video-CV represents one of the new, effective frontiers for recruitment, one of the ways to let the employers know “who I am and what I can do”. The Video-CV tool is specifically created to answer to the complexity of recruitment process considering both the difficulty shown by the demand in defining clearly its needs and by the formal training supply in meeting effectively the professional needs. The Video-CV supports particularly job seekers who, though they hold skills, cannot properly compete in the labor market because they have acquired competences informally and/or are scarcely able to communicate and valorise them. Besides, t he Video-CV shows and demonstrates abilities in person.

GENERAL FRAMEWORK The development of meta-competences related to job searching, self marketing techniques and self-consciousness capability has become goals for efficient guidance interventions. More than the assistance in the self-assessment process, the efficacious transfer of k-competences (e.g. relational, communicational, analytical skills) and specific abilities linked to the job seeking (e.g. how to stand an interview, select job opportunities, compile a CV, manage stress, emotions and psychological pressure during tests and exams) measures at most the quality and effectiveness of occupational guidance and tutoring services. In this frame, another aspect to be focused concerns the influence of Information Technologies (IT) and the wide capacity of guidance operators to manage complex digital technologies.

MAIN AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT Integrating and strengthening the guidance and counselling services offer through communication tools and technologies Designing a web-based platform able to host Video CVs and facilitate the matching between labour demand and supply Strengthening the efficacy of the applicant on the labour market Disseminating the autobiographic guidance modality Contributing to the development of self-esteem and self-evaluation ability in recognising strengths and weaknesses of one’s own professional profile Developing communication skills in video production, both in operators and job seekers Arising consciousness on the communication potentiality of Videos in storytelling aimed to job search Offering to guidance operators the opportunity of acquiring ICT competences useful to support their role and daily work.

CONTENTS AND EXPECTED PRODUCTS In the framework of the V.I.D.E.O. Project, several products will be developed. Among them, the most remarkable and innovative are:  A Model for the realisation of the Video-CV tool based on the results of an on-field analysis (National reports from all the participating countries and a General Report comparing the data sourced from them). The Model points out: 1.the conditions of use related to the Video-CV tool within counselling and employment services and with respect to the specific target and the different national contexts involved 2.the technological and organisational aspects implied by the transfer action (National/international legal norms; counsellor and experts profile and competences needed; basic technological equipment required, logistic and organisational asset implied; entrepreneur involvement).

CONTENTS AND EXPECTED PRODUCTS  Training Curriculum for guidance operators and technicians (courseware of 15 hours) in EN + IT + GR and related Kit of training- guidance material to support the realisation of Video Curricula (EN+IT+GR)  Script-Format of Video Curriculum in all partnership languages (EN, GR, DE, IT)  Protocols addressed to operators (EN, IT, DE)  Guidelines for beneficiaries = Handbook on “guidelines to the creation and use of the Video Curriculum tool” addressed to all project target groups (EN, IT, DE).  Adoption of the Video-CV tool by 3-5 counselling and employment centres per country (IT, GR, EN and DE)  Around 40 Video Curricula tailored to the level of social and technical interaction appropriate for the target and published on the project website (database) (IT, GR, EN and DE)

THE PARTNERSHIP OF THE V.I.D.E.O. PROJECT The V.I.D.E.O. Project is coordinated by the City of Rome – Dept. XIV. The Partnership is composed by international institutions, agencies and centres from four countries (Italy, Greece, Germany, United Kingdom), engaged in the field of research, communication, professional training, labour market, and employment. Partners of the Project are: EURO INNOVANET srl, Rome, Italy TRUST srl, Rome, Italy Arbeitsgemeinschaft SGB II in Kreis Plön – Arge. Plön, Germany The Christian Youth Village Foundation of Germany – CJD Eutin, Eutin, Germany Institute of Training and Vocational Guidance – IEKEP, Athens, Greece Polydynamo Centre of Social Intervention of Cyclades, Syros, Greece OAKE Europe, Manchester, United Kingdom

WORKPLAN PHASE 1 (01/02/ /04/2009) START-UP:  Workplan  Dissemination Plan  Monitoring and evaluation Plan  Project Web site and project graphic design  Preliminary analysis questionnaire format and National reports  Synthesis Report describing the preliminary analysis outcomes (SWOT) and the proposal of an integrated Model to be experimented within the project  Protocol and grid format to be used to realise the research action expected in the following phase (interviews).  Project Brochure (all national languages, 1000 copies).

WORKPLAN PHASE 2 (02/04/ /06/2009) SURVEY AIMED AT VERIFYING THE FEASIBILITY AND ADAPTABILITY OF THE MODEL:  National reports describing the interview outcomes usability  Comparative report describing the transferability of the Model worked out in the previous phase focusing in particular on its usability within each partner local context and efficacy with respect to the project target (women and over 45).

WORKPLAN PHASE 3 (02/06/ /08/2009) ADAPTING AND INTEGRATING THE PROTOTYPE. IMPLEMENTING ACTIONS PROPAEDEUTICAL TO THE EXPERIMENTATION AND TRANSFER:  8 video-curricula captured and edited as “pilot samples” finalizing content for web (IT, GR, UK, DE)  Kit of training-guidance material (EN, IT, GR) to support the realisation of Video Curricula implying shooting video, synthesizing the composition, producing video communications, story plotting, audio and narration planning and recording, video editing.  Video-CV Database on project website  Project Newsletter n.1 provided on project website (EN, IT) and delivered to Mailing list subjects.

WORKPLAN PHASE 4 (02/08/ /09/2009) EXPERIMENTATION AND DISSEMINATION: Action 1 – Experimentation (IT and GR):  12 trained operators  6 centres able to adopt the Video-CV tool  6 experimental Video-CV produced on web-based database  Training and informative KIT on how to make the Video Curriculum  2 National reports on experimentation outcomes implying suggestions and indications for the final fine tuning of the Model Action 2 – Valorisation (UK and DE):  12 informed operators  6 centres able to adopt the VC tool  Training and informative KIT on how to make the Video Curriculum  2 National reports on feedback received  1 Transnational comparative report on experimentation outcomes implying suggestions/indications for the final fine tuning of the Model

WORKPLAN PHASE 5 (01/09/ /12/2009) FINAL FINE TUNING OF THE MODEL:  Curriculum for Vocational Guidance operators (courseware of 15 hours) in EN + IT + GR and related Training material (EN + IT +GR)  Script-Format of Video Curriculum in all partnership languages (EN, GR, DE, IT)  Protocols addressed to operators (EN, IT, DE)  Guidelines for beneficiaries (EN, IT, DE)  Final version of the web-based database (IT e EN)  Project Newsletter n. 2 provided on project website (IT, EN) and delivered to Mailing list subjects.  INTERMEDIATE REPORT

WORKPLAN PHASE 6 (02/12/ /06/2010) “VIDEO-CURRICULUM TOOL” TRANSFER:  2° Partnership Meeting (Thessaloniki – GR) and documents related  1° Project Dissemination Seminar (Thessaloniki – GR) and documents related  Task force of trained operators and technicians in Greece and Italy (around 10 operators for each country – IT/GR)  Adoption of the Video Curriculum tool by 3-5 counselling and employment centres per country  Around 40 Video Curricula (20+20) published on project website (database)  Newsletter n. 3 provided on project website (IT, EN) and delivered to Mailing list subjects.

WORKPLAN PHASE 7 (02/06/ /09/2010) FOLLOW UP AND OUTCOMES EVALUATION:  Comparative Evaluation report  National Reports on Follow Up  Handbook on “guidelines to the use and creation of the Video Curriculum tool” addressed to all project target groups  Project Leaflet.

WORKPLAN PHASE 8 (02/09/ /10/2010) EVALUATION MEETING AND FINAL CONFERENCE:  Partnership evaluation meeting  Project Final Conference and related documents  Project Newsletter n. 4 provided on project website (IT, EN) and delivered to Mailing list subjects.