IVISOC Grundtvig Learning Partnership “Improving Volunteering in Social Care” ( ) PROJECT MEETING - ITALY Questionnaire about Recruitement of volunteers in social care Adria 24 th may 2012
UK - 9 associations GR - 3 associations IT - 3 associations RO - 3 associations CY - 3 associations ASSOCIATIONS’ RESULTS Adria 24 th may 2012
Health and social care. Most of interviewed organizations are engaged in the care of the sick, the elderly and with disabilities people, in social development The volunteers are principally devoted to people requiring medical assistance, patient transports, support people at their homes, fundraising SECTORS COVERED Adria 24 th may 2012
Age range from 18 to 70, in some case less than 40 Many categories of status, majority students/unemployed/retired Mainly females than males (sometimes linked to different activities) Except for Italy and Greece there are disabled or socially disadvantaged people among the volunteers WHO IS THE VOLUNTEER? Adria 24 th may 2012
who and where? mainly manager and volunteers of the association work places and offices of the organizations very little use of the net THE RECRUITEMENT Adria 24 th may 2012
The Volunteer has specific competencies or a training/tutoring is provided Interviews The volunteer could be refused “CARE” OF THE VOLUNTEER Adria 24 th may 2012
No insurance for Cypriot, Greek and Romanian volunteers INSURANCE? Adria 24 th may 2012
No benefits o wages for the volunteer For 16 vs. 5 the motivations are more important than specific skills? why? MOTIVATIONS VS. SKILLS Adria 24 th may 2012
Motivations Volunteers provide their services honorary and unpaid. Volunteering and volunteers are born into the wider culture which starts through the narrow and wider family environment which creates the value of each individual. And it is developing in the neighborhood, city, country, the universe that are the social context of individual and group. That’s how we built a solid personality. For every man with a conscience, volunteering is a dominant value which he serves. Need and motivation. Or motivation and need (Greece) Adria 24 th may 2012
... and skills Both are valuable. A sheep is motivated to cross the road to reach the greener grass, but it needs skills to know when to cross safely (Wales) Adria 24 th may 2012