General Practitioner Involvement in Tutoring and Examining Medical Students
Aims Get to know each other Learn about opportunities in undergraduate education Put your teaching and feedback skills to practice
Curriculum Structure Spiral Curriculum – Integrated learning, revisiting themes throughout 5 years Three phases: – early patient contact continuing through the five years Problem Based Learning – Lifelong learning skills – Student Centred, Self Directed Core curriculum with options to pursue areas of interest – Personal Excellence Pathways – Project Options
What is Problem Based Learning? ?
Problem based learning First Tutorial Clinical & Self study Clinical & Self study Second Tutorial Define problem and set learning needs Pool answers Discuss clinical experience
Community Based Medical Education (CBME)
South HEZ Central HEZ Salford HEZ Preston HEZ CPEF Clinical Lecturer HEZL Senior/ Established Lecturer HEZL Base Admin
What do medical students need from community placements?
Active learning Take and present histories Clinical examinations Not sitting in corner bored
Years 1 & 2: Early Clinical Experience (ECE) Inspire medical students early in their career Facilitate consultation skills and clinical examination Less time commitment than other placements Preparation is key 6 half days per year
Attend in pairs 4 modules Link to PBL Workplace based assessments (U-PSAs) Years 3 & 4 one day a week
Students produce either a Quality Improvement eg Audit or SEA or lay document eg patient information leaflet Students should also attend the practice for 6 sessions per week, 2 of which should be clinical Contact: cbmephase2- Year 3: Personal Excellence Pathways (PEPs) Full Time 4 weeks
Apprentice model Own consultations under supervision Tutorials Year 5 Full time for 4 weeks
What opportunities exist for GPs in Manchester Medical School?
Clinical Intelligence Tutor Group of 6-8, year 3 students, for 7 weeks Discuss issues raised by cases seen in hospital and GP – clinical presentation / differential diagnosis/ prescribing/ ethics/ professionalism. Session scheduled for 2 ¼ hour Payment £75 per hour for 3 hours Contact:
Community focused teaching Year 3 students, full day session Topics include occupational health, diabetes, cardiovascular systems. Payment £440 per day Contact:
Portfolio Work Years 1 & 2: Tutors for Personal and Portfolio Development 8-10 students Meet each student twice per semester Formative written review of portfolio Years 3-5: Academic advisors 6-8 students Meet students 1-2 times per semester Formative and summative assessment Payment: £220/ student/ year Contact
OSCE examiner Must actively teach Manchester Students Required to attend ½ day training through the Staff Development Unit: – OSCEs occur in all sectors for Years 3-5, twice per year Payment: £220 per session (1/2 day)
Student Selection Panel Opportunity to recruit future medics November to March at Stopford Compulsory training for ½ day Must be able to commit for half days from a selection of dates Please note this is an interesting but unpaid opportunity Contact
Group Task
Other resources Annual tutor conference: Macron in April
Any questions?