Gaetano Maron, Information Event, Brussel May GRIDCC A realtime interactive GRID to integrate instruments, computational and information resources widely spread on a fast WAN Gaetano Maron Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro Legnaro Italy
Gaetano Maron, Information Event, Brussel May GRIDCC main goals... the GRIDCC project extends the state of the art of computing Grid technologies, by introducing the handling of real-time constraints and interactive response into the existing Grid middleware Our goal is to build a widely distributed system that is able to remotely control and monitor complex instrumentation …These new applications introduce requirements for real-time and highly interactive operation of GRID resources. One of the main objectives of the project is to verify the feasibility of a Grid-based remote control of systems requiring real-time response with real applications running on existing Grid test beds over both national and international network infrastructures (e.g. GEANT). GRIDCC integrates a grid of instrumentation into existing Grid infrastructures that provide the computational power and storage needed for the applications ….
Gaetano Maron, Information Event, Brussel May General on the GridCC Project Participant nameCountry Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareItaly Institute Of Accelerating Systems and Applications Greece Brunel UniversityUK Consorzio Interuniversitario per Telecomunicazioni Italy Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.P.AItaly IBM (Haifa Research Lab)Israel Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine UK Istituto di Metodologie per lAnalisi ambientale – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italy Universita degli Studi di UdineItaly Greek Research and Technology Network S.A.Greece It is a 3 years project. Started the 1st September 04 Funded by EU in the Frame Program 6 10 Partners from 3 EU Countries + (Israel) About 40 people engagged
Gaetano Maron, Information Event, Brussel May The GRIDCC project Supporting Services Virtual Cntr. Room Virtual Cntr. Room Diagnostics Instrument 1 Instrument 2 Instrument 3 Processing Farm Processing Farm Data Storage Use of the Grid technology, as extension of the Web Service Technologies, to develop a a widley distributed control system with access to grid enabled computing and data storage facilities
Gaetano Maron, Information Event, Brussel May Storage Elements Storage Elements Computing Element Computing Element Instrument Element GridCC Main Architecture Virtual Control Room Security Service Execution Service Global Problem Solver Computing Element Storage Element Instrument Element Instrument Element Existing Grid Infrastructures Web Service Interface
Gaetano Maron, Information Event, Brussel May Instrument Element Architecture Resource Service Inf & Mon Service Problem Solver Instrument Manager Instrument Element Virtual Instrument Grid Service (VIGS) Data Mover Monitor Manager Command Gtw Data Collector FSM Engine
Gaetano Maron, Information Event, Brussel May Application Fields Experimental Sciences –Take control of a experiment from a distance (remote operation and control, data taking and data analysis): High Energy, Nuclear and Solid State Physics Electronic Microscopes Telescopes Monitoring and analysis of the territory (e.g. disaster analysis) –Meteorology –Geophysics Bio-medics –Integration of remote operation, data taking, data analysis and data storage of sophisticated instruments like: Mammography Pet, TAC, NMR etc. Industrial Applications –widely distributed controls Electrical power grid Public transportation ……
Gaetano Maron, Information Event, Brussel May Main GridCC Pilot Applications Power Grid Remote Operation of accelerator facility Control and monitor of high energy experiments Elettra Synchrotron
Gaetano Maron, Information Event, Brussel May The other GridCC pilot applications Meteorology (Ensemble Limited Area Forecasting) Analysis of neuro-physiological data (migraine attacks treatments) Device Farm for the Support of Cooperative Distributed Measurements in Telecommunications and Networking Laboratories Geo-hazards: Remote Operation of Geophysical Monitoring Network
Gaetano Maron, Information Event, Brussel May Status of the project Architecture defined Implementation plan defined Main technologies reviewed and chosen (2 steps) Design and implementation phase started First prototypes and demo for the end of the year