Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale Semantic Web concertation meetingLuxembourg May 15 & 16th 2002 NEUWEB NEUral network engineered WEB portal IST-2001-34387.


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Presentation transcript:

Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale Semantic Web concertation meetingLuxembourg May 15 & 16th 2002 NEUWEB NEUral network engineered WEB portal IST

Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale Semantic Web concertation meetingLuxembourg May 15 & 16th 2002 PROJECT RATIONALE & OBJECTIVES Merge two already existing technologies to deliver semantic integration of heterogeneous data –Web-based knowledge representation based on an entity-relationship modelled semantic. –Self Organising Maps neural processing for data clustering, tagging and crawling Test the result of this merge using as a real life problem the production of a web portal for migrant workers

Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale Semantic Web concertation meetingLuxembourg May 15 & 16th 2002 MAIN INNOVATION Avoid the common pitfall of both approaches: –Flexibilize the rigid structure of a super-imposed knowledge domain using its representation as the scope of a quantitative approach (SOMs) –Bound the construction of SOMs using the knowledge domain representation

Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale Semantic Web concertation meetingLuxembourg May 15 & 16th 2002 Expected results Validation of the approach Opensource technology Real life example (Web portal application for Migrant Workers)

Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale Semantic Web concertation meetingLuxembourg May 15 & 16th 2002 Views and ideas on FP6 NEUWEB provides the key technologies for knowledge creation, sharing and exploitation In FP6 trustful and embedded technologies are to be consolidated. Further work will be necessary to bring the users, people, to the foreground the centre of our attention as in FP6

Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale Semantic Web concertation meetingLuxembourg May 15 & 16th 2002 Consortium details ( Participants Finsiel - Consulenza e Applicazioni Informatiche SpA (ITALY) Verband Deutscher Rentenversicherungstraeger (GERMANY) LVA Rheinland-Pfalz (GERMANY) Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Vieillesse (FRANCE) Brainworkers Srl (ITALY) Coordinator Contact Person: Name: DIANA, Massimo Tel: Fax: Organisation: Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale (INPS) Direzione Centrale Sistemi Informativi e Telecomunicazioni Via Ciro Il Grande Roma ITALY