What is the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey?
Yopportunity to ‘ Speak Up ’ and provide invaluable feedback to the University and the Students’ Union
What is the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey? Survey of postgraduate taught students across the UK* Commissioned by the Higher Education Academy Fully supported by our Students’ Union and the National Union of Students Quick and easy to complete. * 83 institutions participated in 2012
What will the PTES ask me? Widely recognised as a key measure of the student experience, the survey looks at a range of areas including: Teaching & learning Assessment & feedback Dissertation or major project Organisation & management Learning resources Skills & personal development Careers & professional development Overall satisfaction Academic transition Student voice Student engagement Personal Tutoring Students’ Union And at the University of Bath you we also ask you some additional questions on:
How are the results used? Institutions (& their Students’ Unions) are provided with the anonymised data to help them identify areas where they are doing well, as well as areas for development, for the purpose of improving the student learning experience for future generations of students. Our Staff / Student Liaison Committees (SSLCs) work with departments / the School to develop Action Plans based on the results.
Working together, we are In the last year, we have continued to work together to give you the best student experience here. By listening to your feedback and ideas, we have taken action in many different areas, to enhance your student life such as: Your Learning Your Employability Your Learning Resources Your Campus Your Student Life
To take part… You will send you an inviting you to take part in the survey during w/c Tuesday 5 March 2013 You can also complete the survey at Your responses to the survey are anonymised Contact details used only for the PTES It could be worth your while as we are offering you the chance to win £100 in the prize draw
Will my responses remain private? The survey is undertaken independently by the Higher Education Academy The PTES respects student privacy Responses are confidential At no point will students be identified to their Director of Studies or Department - your responses to the survey are anonymised in dissemination
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