GeoTEd is… Funded by the NSF-Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program - $899,870 $899,870; October 2012 to 2015 6-state region (VA, TN, WV, KY, MD, NC) Three year new ATE Project building on the work of the GTEVCC Project Ending April 30, 2013 Mission: to increase the number of geospatial technicians prepared to work to meet the growing demand in Virginia
GeoTEd Partners Virginia Western Community College (VWCC) Thomas Nelson Community College (TNCC) Southwest Virginia Community College (SWCC) J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (JSRCC) Virginia Geospatial Extension Program at Virginia Tech (VGEP) Virginia Space Grant Consortium (Project Administrator)
VWCC – David Webb, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology and GIS TNCC – Cherie Aukland, Associate Professor of IT & Program Head for GIS SWCC – Sandy Stephenson, Professor Information Systems Technology JSRCC – Wen Andrews, Professor and Program Head, Department of Architectural & Civil Engineering Technology VT – Dr. John McGee, Virginia Geospatial Extension Agent VSGC – Chris Carter and Scott Bellows
Virginia Community College System (VCCS) John Tyler Community College Tidewater Community College Northern Virginia Community College Virginia Assoc. for Mapping & Land Information Systems (VAMLIS) NASA Langley Research Center Virginia Department of Education ESRI International Technology Education Assoc. Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) James Madison University Michael Baker Jr., Inc. Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA)
City of Williamsburg Dominion Virginia Power Bluefield State College Northeast State Technical Community College Kinder GIS Services Tazewell County Russell County City of Newport News R&K Solutions WorldView Solutions Timmons Group National GeoTech Center Botetourt Technical Education Center
Meeting the Geospatial Need Occupational Information Network (O*NET) (DOL) 15 occupations related to ‘geospatial technologies’ (GST) 22 related to ‘GIS’ All 22 have a ‘Bright Outlook’ (employment increase of 20% or more) during defined as new and emerging occupations in a high growth industry. Virginia - one of five states predicted to have the most growth and demand for GST employees (Odinjobs.com) 5 state region (moderate growth) DOL Report Recommendations – (re GST) ‘Community colleges should assume a strong role in training new GST technicians and providing professional development.
Meeting the Geospatial Need Bringing Together Education, Employers, GST Professionals Leveraging the VCCS and Regional Subject-Matter Experts Affordable Faculty and Teacher Professional Development Structured Mentoring and Support Increased Access to GST Courses
GeoTEd -- Prior Impacts VWCC updated curriculum added specialization in IT JTCC, TCC, SWCC, DSLCC started career studies certificate in GIS TCC is developing an Associates Degree in GIS that includes direct articulation with ODU Other colleges are close to GST certificate programs (PDCCC, JSRCC). 17 faculty and 7 high school dual-enrollment teachers attended 2-year cohort workshop hosted by VT 45 high school teachers trained
GeoTEd -- Prior Impacts At least 20 newly-developed GST-based college courses are now being offered (VCCS) TNCC: GIS 200,201,210,205 SWCC: GIS 200, 201, 205, 215 TCC: GIS 101, 203, 215, 255, 298 GCC: GIS 200 JSRCC: GIS 295 DSLCC: Intro to GIS, GIS Forest Mapping JTCC: GIS 101
GeoTEd -- Prior Impacts GST has been integrated into other non-GIS courses: JSRCC: GPS is being integrated into CIV 171 and CIV 172 (Intro. & Intermed. Surveying) DSLCC: GST : Integrated GIS into almost all Forestry based classes, including the use of GPS and handheld field computers SVCC: Integrating GST into Fire Science courses SVCC: Supporting decision support for the nursing program TCC: GPS technology is used in CIV courses as well as some Geology courses.
GeoTEd -- Prior Impacts 100s of students (both High School and College) have been reached. Team members as guest speakers and GST mentors at high schools and colleges throughout the state Dual enrollment courses were developed between Fairfax Co. Public Schools and JMU, and between Montgomery Co. Public Schools and NRCC. NVCC will offer a 2-wk GST program to ‘at risk’ 10 th graders. PDCCC in planning a summer GST workshop for K-12 faculty Many High School and Community College Students and Faculty Involved in GIS Day.
GeoTEd -- Prior Impacts A geospatial laboratory was provided by a grant from the DOL and administered by NVCC in partnership with VWCC, with 20 workstations, GPS units, textbooks, and supporting resources is valued at more than $35,000. Several high school and community college labs have been opened and equipped with GST software (e.g., ArcGIS, Erdas) and hardware.
GeoTEd Goals Goal 1– Increase the delivery of GST courses, the integration of GST into existing courses, and create GST pathways (certificates and/or specializations) at three diverse (geographic and demographic) community colleges that meet local workforce demand, and serve as effective models for other community colleges. Goal 2 – Develop community college faculty expertise and capabilities in GST in Virginia and surrounding states through intensive hands-on workshops and mentoring. Goal 3 – Increase the integration of GST and the awareness of GST careers in precollege education. Goal 4 – Increase enrollment and diversity of students in GST pathways at community colleges.
GeoTEd Components Faculty Professional Development Faculty Mentoring and Support GST Academic Pathway Models Alignment with GTCM Distance Learning Courses GST Web Portal Mobile Apps Teacher Professional Development
GeoTEd WebPortal (geoted.org) Update and maintain the GST web portal for pathway models, curriculum, professional development materials, and other resources.
GST Workforce Pipeline- Career Awareness Build the GST workforce pipeline by increasing enrollment and diversity in geospatial programs. Dual-enrollment and Articulation GST Career Awareness Materials and Website Model Brochure for GST Pathways and Careers for all VCCS Colleges Disseminate Materials Through Regional and National Partners