College-Bound Students DESIRED OUTCOME Awareness Interest Action Commitment Enrollment Persistence Satisfaction Education Alumni Loyalty INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGY Marketing Strategies Recruitment Strategies Admission Strategies Yield/Fin Aid Strategies Acculturation/Retention Strategies Learning Strategies Service Strategies Alumni Strategies
Managing the Mix by Measuring and Mapping Enrollment Strategy LowestAcademic ProfileHighest Non-Filers 12, , ,999 3, , ,850 Special Talents Margin Mission Margin Merit Market
DATA DRILLING Work Reality, Not Emotion
Kansas Minority Market EthnicityTotal Scores Sent Average ACT Scores Sent to KU Average ACT KU Received KU’s Yield Average ACT from Yield Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Hispanic/Lati no Asian Native Hawaiian/Ot her Pacific Islander Total Score Senders
Community Colleges – Partners or Competitors? “Community colleges have long been regarded as the great access point in American higher education. Data just released by the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) show that these institutions are also the preferred destination for the more than 32% of all new college students who subsequently enroll in another institution of higher education.” American Association of Community Colleges
Community Colleges “Minority students favor community colleges, making up 30% of community college enrollments nationally. In urban areas, community college enrollments reflect the proportion of minorities in the local population.” National Profile of Community Colleges: Trends and Statistics Nationally, community college students constitute the following percentages of undergraduates (fall 2008): – All U.S. undergraduates: 44% – First-time freshmen: 43% – Native American: 55% – Asian/Pacific Islander: 45% – Black: 44% – Hispanic: 52%
Popular Diverse Affordable
Community College Enrollment Johnson County Community College Minority students accounted for over 18% of total headcount and nearly 20% credit hour enrollment in fall Kansas City Kansas Community College Minority students accounted for 39% of total headcount in fall 2010.
Student Search Increased search volume using multiple vendors Multi-channel response options (BRC, text, landing page) Search viewed as part of overall branding campaign rather than one time event National Student Clearinghouse/Student Tracker
Relationship Building Who? – Schools, youth groups, and organizations serving target populations – Examples: Latinos of Tomorrow, AVID, TRiO, etc. How? – On-site college preparation and financial aid presentations for younger students and families – Campus visits (some sponsored by admissions) – Membership on advisory boards – College fairs
Programs for 6 th -11 th Grade Students Super Saturday Postcard campaign for younger students “I Promise” middle school visit programs Leadership Symposiums Multicultural Visit Day for High School Students
5 Recruitment Strategy Clusters Adoption of CRM philosophy and accompanying CRM technology On/Off Campus Programs Web/E-Recruitment High School/Community College Relations Financial Aid Leveraging
Financial Aid & Scholarships as Recruitment Tools New transparent scholarship matrix New KU Pell Advantage New scholarship award letter timeline New marketing and publications New public awareness and perception of KU’s affordability Push affordability message earlier in funnel
Use Scholarships as Recruitment Tool (Drive Application Volume and Yield)
Integrate Print with Social Media Strategy
Application Push PC
Application Push Campaign
KU in the Community Western Kansas Recruitment Coordinator Application workshops – 111% increase in applications from Kansas City, Kansas – 110% increase in applications from Garden City High School College Goal Sunday
Strategy Clusters Direct Mail/ Admitted Student Receptions Social Networking Phone Financial Aid Packaging/Leveraging Transition/FYE Programming
Admitted Student Reception PC
Destination KU
Multicultural Recruitment Team Calling campaigns – Application encouragement – New student fee encouragement Postcard campaigns Campus tours Student panels
4 Areas of Emphasis Predictive Modeling Academic Advising Transition and Incorporation Campaign Student Learning
SAS Enterprise Miner Decision Tree
FYR Diversity Metrics (Ethnicity) Freshmen- Admits Change% American Indian Asian Black Hawaiian/PI Hispanic Multi-Ethnic Totals
TR Diversity Metrics (Ethnicity) Transfer -Admits Change% American Indian Asian Black Hawaiian/PI Hispanic Multi-Ethnic Totals
Future Areas of Emphasis Enhance communication/cultivation plan designed around key first- year and major decision-making milestones More intentional linkages between admissions and various KU support services particularly those associated with first-year Continue to gather and mine existing data to inform policy, improve programs and assess success Modified admission requirements to include the use of non-cognitive admissions as a reach down mechanism Recalibration of transfer policy, processes, programs and service delivery systems More aggressively address retention and graduation gaps
CONTACT Matt Melvin VP for Enrollment Management Lee Furbeck Sr. Associate Director, Admissions Greg Valdovino Assistant Director for Diversity and Outreach, Admissions