Habitat III: 1
Why is Habitat III important? Urbanisation statistics Post 2015 dialogues GA Resolutions WCDR and the MCRC momentum IASC and resilience Global corporate interest Fractured and separated resilience discourse New Urban Agenda vs Habitat Agenda 2
What is ‘The New Urban Model?’ The 21 st Century Urban Model Sustainable Equitable Prosperous (SEP21c) The part of the world where the SEP21c is going to be implemented is where sustainability, equality and prosperity is most required.
The 21 st CENTURY URBAN MODEL - SEP21c The SEP21c is based on the values of a GOOD CITY: - High Quality of Public Space 30% Street and 20% amenities; - Proper and well designed density 12,500 hab./km2; - Mix Urban Uses Avoid zoning, 10% or less of the land of the city, avoid division of neighborhoods by super-routes; - Efficient Mobility Emphasis on the walking distances; - Mixed social structure Social Integration, Acceptance of Migrants, Social Diversity, Cosmopolitan values, the challenge of living together; - Energy sustainable Reduction of green house gases emissions; -Practical and enforceable norms and rules. Participatory, democratic, respectful, equitable; -Safe, resilient, and sustainable Lives, assets, and functions are preserved.
Habitat III – Key points Purpose: To reinvigorate commitment to sustainable urbanization through a “New Urban Agenda”; Location: TBD – GA 69 will finalize dates, format and organizational aspects of Habitat III; First Interagency Meeting (Geneva, 3 July 2013) agreed to contribute to the following: o Refinement of proposal on input and support to Habitat III preparatory process: (i) Input of UN system and partners; (ii) Strategic options for financing of Habitat III; (iii) Think piece (conceptual basis of Habitat III); (iv) Guidelines for country reports o Preparation of regional reports based on national reports Preparation of global report based on national and regional reports 4. National, regional and international meetings o First meeting: e-discussion of draft guidelines for preparation of national reports (August-September 2013) First Prepcomm: September 2014, NY Second Prepcomm: April 2016, Nairobi WUF 8: June (?) 2016; World Humanitarian Summit? Habitat III 5
6 THANK YOU!! Dan Lewis UN-Habitat