Time zone Vietnams time zone is slower than Australia's time by 3 hours. Transportation Vietnam people use such as: Taxi Train Bus Bicycle Motorbikes Time zone Vietnams time zone is slower than Australia's time by 3 hours. Transportation Vietnam people use such as: Taxi Train Bus Bicycle Motorbikes
Main Tourist Attractions In Cu chi tunnels, it has an immense system for connecting underground Phu Quoc is the 2 nd largest island in Vietnam Climate The climate change in this year is from 12 degrees to 33 degrees, the weather is not too cold or hot ususally. Main Tourist Attractions In Cu chi tunnels, it has an immense system for connecting underground Phu Quoc is the 2 nd largest island in Vietnam Climate The climate change in this year is from 12 degrees to 33 degrees, the weather is not too cold or hot ususally.
Map of Vietnam
Accommodation for Vietnam In Gondola Hotel Hanoi AUD $ An Hoa Hotel AUD$7 Accommodation for Vietnam In Gondola Hotel Hanoi AUD $ An Hoa Hotel AUD$7