Greening the Built Environment Through Specs and Standards The Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program’s Green Building Activities Presented to EPA’s Environmental Technology Council December 1, 2005 Alison Kinn Bennett Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program
Green building is defined as the practice of: increasing the efficiency with which buildings and their sites use and harvest energy, water, and materials, and protecting and restoring human health and the environment, through better siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal – the complete building life cycle.
EPA’s Green Building Resources Media-Focused Energy Water Waste Materials Indoor Environments Sector-Based Homes Offices Schools Laboratories Federal Facilities... Cross-Agency “Green Building Work Group”
The Federal EPP Mandate Agencies shall: procure and use environmentally preferable products and services and implement cost-effective procurement preference programs EP products and services: have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment... considers impacts throughout the lifecycle —Executive Order 13101, September 16, 1998
EPA Green Building Workgroup Website Intranet site American Institute of Architects MOU Vision 2020 Administrator Briefing Interagency Sustainability Working Group - FEMP Federal Green Building Council - OFEE Federal MOU and White House Summit on Sustainable Building EPP Program Green Building Efforts Leveraging Resources and Expertise EPP Program Green Building Efforts Leveraging Resources and Expertise
ASTM E6.71 General Principles of Sustainability Data Collection for Assessing Sustainability of Building Products Green Roof Systems, Earthen Materials Reporting Sustainability of Buildings (draft) Labeling Environmentally Preferable Products (draft) Symposium April 2007 Product Specific GreenSeal, SCS, FSC, BIFMA Whole Building Rating Systems State and Local, USGBC LEED, GBI Green Globes EPP Program Green Building Efforts Standards Development >> Market Transformation EPP Program Green Building Efforts Standards Development >> Market Transformation
EPP Database Contract language, Specifications, Third-party standards, Case studies, and links to vendor lists for over 600 product categories.
Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers: Need? Feasibility? Environmental Programs: “I don’t know how to write specs.” Federal Designers: “I don’t know enough about green issues.” On your own handholding Easy way...
Guide Objectives: Guide Objectives: To help federal agencies meet their project-specific environmental goals and mandates including: EPA’s Final Guidance on EPP Greening of Government Executive Orders EPA’s Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) EnergyStar and DOE Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Product Efficiency Recommendations National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act/OMB A119 In addition, US Green Building Council’s LEED tm Rating System The Green Building Initiative’s Green Globes Rating Tool And other ‘best practices’ as determined via industry and public comment
Partners in the Federal Guide EPA Offices and Regions Office of the Federal Environmental Executive Interagency Sustainability Working Group National Inst of Building Sciences -- Whole Building Design Guide -
CSI MasterFormat TM 1 - General Requirements 2 - Site Construction 3 - Concrete 4 - Masonry 5 - Metals 6 - Wood and Plastics 7 - Thermal and Moisture Protection 8 - Doors and Windows 9 - Finishes 10 - Specialties 11 - Equipment 12 - Furnishings 13 - Special Construction 14 - Conveying Systems 15 - Mechanical 16 - Electrical
CSI Principles for Green Specifications Integrate green attributes Prescriptive or performance specs - be explicit Health, safety and welfare issues Rely on consensus standards to define green
SECTION – Gizmos SPECIFIER NOTE: resource management: Mining raw materials for gizmos produces soil erosion, pollutant runoff, and habitat loss. Adhesives for gizmos are typically derived from petrochemicals. Manufacturing of gizmos is considered energy intensive; however, there have been some energy efficiency improvements in recent years. Gizmos containing recycled glass are available. toxicity/IEQ: VOCs may be emitted from gizmo adhesives during the curing process. performance: Gizmos are extremely durable and require little maintenance. Performance is comparable for green methods and standard methods.
a. Indicate type of biobased material in product and biobased content. b.Indicate relative dollar value of biobased content product to total dollar value of product included in project. SPECIFIER NOTE: The 2002 Farm Bill - Section 9002, Federal Procurement Of Biobased Products, requires each Federal Agency to develop a procurement program which will assure that items composed of biobased products will be purchased to the maximum extent practicable and which is consistent with applicable provisions of Federal procurement law. USGBC-LEED™ v2.1 includes credits for use of rapidly renewable materials, which USGBC describes as plants harvested within a ten- year cycle. SECTION – Gizmos PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.2 SUBMITTALS
SECTION – Gizmos PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS a.Toxicity/IEQ: Comply with applicable regulations regarding toxic and hazardous materials, GS-36 for Commercial Adhesive, [South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1168] [Bay Area AQMD Reg. 8, Rule 51 for containers larger than 16 oz and with California Air Resources Board (CARB) for containers 16 oz or less], and as specified. SPECIFIER NOTE: Under LEED™ v2.1, gizmo adhesives are to comply with California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) #1168; gizmo sealants are to comply with Bay Area Air Quality Management District, reg.8, rule Green Seal certified environmentally preferable products are also available.
SECTION – Gizmos PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS SPECIFIER NOTE: US-EPA CPG recommends gizmos fabricated from 20 percent post- consumer content for steel and 100 percent post-consumer content for PET plastic. LEED v2.2 requires 10% (post-consumer + 1/2 post-industrial) for one point and 20% (post-consumer + 1/2 post-industrial) for two points. Green Globes US also provides points for reused building materials and components and for building materials with recycled content. Verify with manufacturer for product availability and recycled content. 1.Recycled Content: a. steel: Minimum [20] [xxxx] percent post-consumer content.
SECTION – Gizmos PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 SITE ENVIRONMENTAL PROCEDURES A. Indoor Air Quality: 1.Temporary ventilation: Ventilate gizmos prior to installation. Remove from packaging and ventilate in a secure, dry, well-ventilated space free from strong contaminant sources and residues. Provide a temperature range of 60 degrees F minimum to 90 degree F maximum continuously for minimum 72 hours. B.Resource Management: 1.Verify gizmo is properly installed, connected, and adjusted. Verify that gizmo is operating as specified. 2.Coordinate with manufacturer for [maintenance agreement] [take-back program] [green lease] of gizmo.
Division 1 - General Requirements Summary Administrative Requirements Waste Management – Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management (Pending) Noise and Acoustics Management – Environmental Management Quality Control – Environmental Regulatory Requirements – Environmental References – Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls Environmental Requirements for Products Cleaning – Project Closeout Commissioning – Environmental Demonstration and Training Operation and Maintenance
Division 2 - Site Construction Site Demolition Site Clearing Soil Treatment Bases, Ballasts, Pavements Pervious Paving Systems Bat Houses Landscaping
Divisions 3, 4, and Cast-in-Place Concrete Precast Concrete Masonry Basic Metal Materials and Methods
Division 6 - Wood and Plastics Wood Treatment Rough Carpentry Sheathing Finish Carpentry Plastic Fabrications Alternative Agricultural Products
Divisions 7 and 8 7 Thermal and Moisture Protection Dampproofing and Waterproofing Thermal Protection Shingles and Tiles Membrane Roofing Joint Sealers 8 Doors and Windows Wood Doors – Windows
Division 9 - Finishes Gypsum Board Tile Acoustical Ceilings Resilient Flooring Linoleum Carpet Wallcovering Paints and Coatings
Divisions 10, 11, 12, 13 and Specialties Plastic Toilet Compartments Signage 11 Equipment Loading Dock Equipment Residential Equipment Office Equipment 12 Furnishings Artwork Floor Mats Systems Furniture 13 Special Construction – Renewable Energy Systems 14 Conveying Systems Elevators
Divisions 15 and 16 Division 15 - Mechanical Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Equipment Air Distribution Division 16 - Electrical Lighting
Co-sponsorship with other agencies and the private sector State and Local Governments Expansion Into New Sections Model Green Bid Specification Measurement and Assessment Opportunities
Contact Information Alison Kinn Bennett USEPA - OPPT