Core Methods in Educational Data Mining HUDK4050 Fall 2014
Support problem in RapidMiner “Just one little idea on how Rapidminer calculate the support... For Q7, I assumed the max gap as 5.0, and got 53 students who had the sequential rule behavior-ontask - > affect-concentrating at least once. Then I had this number divided by 55, the total number of students, and the result turns out to be , which is almost the same with the support for behavior-ontask - > affect-concentrating in Rapidminer, So I was wondering if Rapidminer, for the GSP operator, would calculate the support on student-level instead of each transaction?”
Implications of student-level calculation of support Weights students equally Treats a behavior that every student engages in once the same as a behavior that every student engages in half the time Advantages? Disadvantages?
Other thoughts or comments?
Assignment C4 What are some interesting rules that people found?
Last thoughts or comments on sequential pattern mining
Text Mining
Prata work
What are the advantages and disadvantages Of looking for counts of words – Also called “bag of words” Of looking for bigrams Of looking for trigrams Of looking for grammatical structures
Semantic Tagging What is it?
WMatrix categories ons/phd2003.pdf ons/phd2003.pdf At the end
What are the advantages and disadvantages Of semantic tagging versus looking for specific words
What measures (of student responses) did Graesser et al. paper use?
Learner Verbosity LSA-based comparison to “good” and “bad” answers Change in degree of goodness of answer
Questions/Comments About Graesser et al. paper?
Assignment C5 Visualization Questions? Bring printouts of your visualization to class
Assignment C6 Final project Questions?
Next Class Monday, December 15: Visualization HM140 Readings Baker, R.S. (2014) Big Data and Education. Ch. 6, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5. Kay, J., Maisonneuve, N., Yacef, K., Reimann, P. (2006) The big five and visualisations of team work activity. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Proceedings 8th International Conference, ITS 2006, Ritter, S., Harris, T., Nixon, T., Dickinson, D., Murray, R.C., Towle, B. (2009) Reducing the Knowledge Tracing Space. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Martinez, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K. (2011) Visualisations for longitudinal participation, contribution and progress of a collaborative task at the tabletop. International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2011,
Also Final Project Presentation Session #1 Monday, 6pm-9pm GD547 Everyone knows what session they are presenting in, right?
The End