Meat and Potatoes The Best and Worst By: Sarah Smythe, April Dunn, and Maryana Blyznyuk
Can Meat and Potatoes be Nutritious? YES because… Red meats like buffalo, bison, and ostrich are healthier. Beef is 27% leaner than it was 20 years ago Pork is 31% lower in fats (Johanson, 2008) NO because… A thanksgiving dinner can be up to 4500 calories! (Filipic, 2004) Most meat and potato people rarely eat vegetables. (Maze, 2006) (Liebman, 1995)
Foods of a Meat and Potato Person The Meat Burgers Steak Hot Dogs Sausages All Red Meats Chicken with skin Turkey with Skin The Potatoes French Fries Baked Potatoes Mashed Potatoes The Others Cheese Foods made with butter and other oils Whole and 2% milk (Liebman, 1995)
Dietary Complications Heart Disease (Fallon, 2000) Prostate cancer Stroke Colon Cancer Heart Attack Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Diabetes (Liebman, 1995)
Ways to Eat Healthier When shopping stay in the outer aisles Read food labels Eat sensible food portions Add more fruit and healthy snack choices Learn the best alternatives to junk food The more color the better Don’t Skip Meals Don’t eat within a few hours of going to bed (Anderson, 2007)
Quiz What red meats are healthier than beef? answer: Buffalo, Bison, and Ostrich What diseases can be caused from unhealthy eating? answer: Example- Heart attacks and Diabetes What are a couple of ways to eat healthier? answer: only shop in outside aisles What are typical foods of a meat and potato person? answer: Hamburgers and Fries What happens to the heart as a result of plaque build up? answer: Blood clots resulting in heart attacks
References Liebman, B (1995). A meat & potatoes man. Bnet, Retrieved February 4, 2008,from Fallon, S (2000). Sad Changes in the Standard American Diet. The Weston A. Prince Foundation, Retrieved February 4, 2008, from html Anderson, R (2007). Ten Ways to Eat Healthier — One Meal at a Time. Discovery Health: Nutrition and Fitness, Retrieved February 6, 2008, from anderson/eatinghealthy.html anderson/eatinghealthy.html Maze, J (2006). Healthy Buffolos. Purveyors if Heart and Healthy Meats, Retrieved February 6, 2008, from
THE END Made by: Sarah Smythe Maryana Blyznyuk April Dunn