Activities this week Monday: Prayer meeting , Bible study Wednesday: PBC Youth Club , Discipleship will recommence on May 7 th ( ) with the “ Grace course ” Thursday: Toddler Group , Penge Citizens Advice Office open Monday
Encounters with the risen Lord Sunday 27th April: His Teaching: The road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-49) Sunday May 11th: Our choices: Meeting the risen Lord (John 20:10-31) Sunday May 18 th : His Forgiveness: Encounter by the lakeshore (John 21:1-25) Sunday May 25 th : His Command: The Great Commission (Matthew 28:1-20) Sunday June 1 st : His Glory: The Ascension (Acts 1:1-11) Sunday June 8 th : His Empowering: Pentecost (Acts 2:1-41) Sunday June 15th: His Call: Paul (Acts 9:1-19)
Church AGM The church ’ s Annual General Meeting is on Saturday 10 th May from , could all members please attend Could leaders of ministries please write a short summary of activities and send it to Philip by 4 th May We are still seeking a Church Secretary, could any nominations be put forward by next Sunday 4 th May
Church membership If you are interested in becoming a member of Penge Baptist Church, please sign the sheet at the back, or talk to the Pastors or other leaders. We need your nomination by next Sunday May 4 th to be considered at the AGM on May 10 th
What is God’s grace? Have you ever received a gift you didn't deserve? The gift was given to you out of love. God is so great that He gives us His grace because of His love for us. Grace is God showing His love to you even though you don't deserve it. You can't earn God's grace. You do not deserve to be saved from sin and to have eternal life, or to be blessed by God ’ s guidance in this life. But God showed His grace by saving you from sin's punishment when you trusted in Jesus as your Saviour.
Coming up in May – the Grace course on Wednesdays The Grace Course helps us as Christians recover our first love for God so that we go on to love others and make a great impact on the world. Its objective is to enable us to experience God's grace in such a deep and real way that love for Him becomes the main motivator in their lives. For those who have done Freedom in Christ, the course covers some key areas in a lot more depth than the Discipleship Course: guilt; shame; fear; pride; and ministering out of rest. It tends to draw from the Gospels a little more than the epistles.
Timing of the Grace course Wednesdays starting May 7 th –Wednesday May 7th Free! –Wednesday May 14 th Innocent! –Wednesday May 21 st Unashamed! –Wednesday May 28 th Courageous! –Wednesday June 4 th Humble! –Saturday June 8 th Steps to experiencing God ’ s grace –Wednesday June 11 th Fruitful!