1 Samping of environmental pollutants 1 st training course Novi Sad, Serbia, 29 th – 03 rd September 2014 prof. Mirjana Vojinović Miloradov Coordinator.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Samping of environmental pollutants 1 st training course Novi Sad, Serbia, 29 th – 03 rd September 2014 prof. Mirjana Vojinović Miloradov Coordinator for Serbia Prof. Ivan Spanik Director of Project

Content Participants The story about the Netrel Structure of the Project – WP Key activities till now Outcomes Instead of Conclusion 2  NETREL Network for education and training for public environmental laboratories TEMPUS SK-JPHES

SK is grant holder and coordinator, EU countries: UK, CZ and Partners of WBC : RS and BH 3 SK Participants of NETREL

SK is grant holder and coordinator, EU countries: UK, CZ and Partners of WBC : RS and BH 4 SK UK Participants of NETREL

SK is grant holder and coordinator, EU countries: UK, CZ and Partners of WBC : RS and BH 5 SK UK CZ Participants of NETREL

SK is grant holder and coordinator, EU countries: UK, CZ and Partners of WBC : RS and BH 6 SK UK CZ RS Participants of NETREL

SK is grant holder and coordinator, EU countries: UK, CZ and Partners of WBC : RS and BH 7 SK UK CZ RS BH Participants of NETREL

8 RSBeneficiaries UNS UNS UB UB SEPA SEPA PHIV PHIV UCVNS UCVNS BA Beneficiaries Beneficiaries US US UBL UBL PHIRS PHIRS UCVP UCVP FAM FAM PHIS PHISUK UoP UoP Portsmouth PortsmouthCZ MU MUBrnoSKCo-ordinator

Water pollution problems 9 The SW in WB countries is jeopardized by several main sources. The major water pollution problems are caused by discharge of untreated or insufficiently treated municipal and industrial WW. Other threats to the water quality - from agriculture, unsanitary landfills, ran off, accident…

Danube and Sava/Vrbas River basin A special interest is devoted to the catchment of the Danube and Sava/Vrbas and its tributaries as an important source of DW in Europe. The reasons - the lack of accredited methods for environmental analysis and absence of systematically monitoring programmes - indicated by public lab, are insufficient experiences and up-to- date knowledge (2020) in sampling, sample treatment, analytical methodology, theoritical base… 10


TEMPUS project– NETREL ( TEMPUS SK-JPHES) Duration - October 2012 – October 2015 Aims - to train researchers and experts in RS and B&H in environmental analytical techniques, in the monitoring, assessment, and management of pollution and emission of toxic compounds in WBC. NETREL actions will allow the development and implementation of state-of-the-art methodologies to improve WB capabilities for monitoring of PS, hazard PS, EmS and inorganic contaminants. 12

Goals of NETREL Project NETREL will provide a unique opportunity to share already developed protocols, validated analytical methods and harmonized chemical and biological monitoring methods (including sampling methodology, sample treatment, QC/QA) for determination of environmental pollutants regulated by various EU legislation. 13

Triangle NETREL activities will strengthen the links in the knowledge triangle:1. environmental monitoring education-2. innovation- 3. research, with participation of public lab staff, postgraduate students, and other public institutions involved in environmental pollution control. The availability of recent, high-quality monitoring data is of crucial importance ! 14

PROJECT’s OBJECTIVES Development of capacity to provide up-to-date training for the staff of UNS, BU, US, UBL - From EU - SK,CZ, UK to RS and BH Transfer of knowledge and inovative ideas from trained PC university staff to public environmental lab at local, regional and national level. Establishing the network between academic staff of EU PC/U and Serbia and BH. Established L 3 programmes will be offered jointly with training courses. 15

PROJECT’s Work Packages, 7WP WP.1 Training of partner country academic staff by EU partners WP.2 Training of partner country laboratory staff by partner country academic staff under EU participants supervision WP.3 Purchase of the equipment ( has been done) WP.4 Dissemination of project results WP.5 Quality assessment WP.6 Exploitation of project deliverables WP.7 Project management 16

The structure of 6 Learning courses: Sampling of environmental pollutants (Banja Luka), Sample treatment (Belgrade and Sarajevo), Analytical procedures (Belgrade and Sarajevo), QA/QC (Banja Luka and Novi Sad), Method validation (Belgrade and Sarajevo), Data handling (Novi Sad). 17

Training courses: Sampling (Novi Sad and Banja Luka), Sample treatment (Sarajevo and Belgrade), Analytical procedures (Belgrade and Sarajevo), QA/QC (Belgrade and Sarajevo), Method validation (Belgrade and Sarajevo), Data handling (Novi Sad and Banja Luka). 18

Some NETREL activities Some NETREL activities 1.Kick off meeting December Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, SK September September The first LC“Sampling of environmental pollutants” The first LC“Sampling of environmental pollutants” Banja Luka, BH Banja Luka, BH

PREVENTIVE FIELD MONITORING VISIT (two Meetings) National Tempus Office - Serbia Evaluation of the state of the Project and discussion The 2nd meeting was in U. of Portsmouth, UK December

Strong interdisciplinary background, SIB All partners have a SIB in environmental monitoring, analytical chemistry, assessment of complex environmental contamination, general expertise in water quality assessment and water management for providing optimal training courses. The competences of the partners are highly complementary. The proposed NETREL training program is based on well-balanced mixture of different training elements. 21

The perspective – project sustainability To maintain NETREL sustainability, developed courses will be presented to stakeholders, private lab and companies. Bringing together stakeholders,with high quality training network - will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise and produce a generation of young scientists that would easily bridge gaps between the various environmental sectors and will maintain cross-sectorial long-term collaboration. 22

Expected outcomes 1. To establish a network of universities capable to prepare and maintain training courses for public lab working in the field of environmental monitoring in SR and BH with possibility to broaden their activities to other WBC. 23


Teaching materials 2. To support courses by all required teaching materials for effective completion of training courses. 3. To provide NETREL PC Universities with up to date laboratory and field equipments for the development of training courses, and in the future for L 3 courses. 25

New learning environments 4. To organise lecture courses, seminars and summer schools for academia staff from SR and BH. This will allow the establishment of new learning environments, as well as methods and procedures for a more efficient training courses fitted directly to public labs’ needs. 26

Instead of Conclusions Obtained knowledge and experiences on detection, quantification and monitoring of the new group of pollutants (2020) – EmS, will give advantage and significant benefit to academic staff in the process of harmonization of PC's legislation with EU Directives. Academic staff will be capable to accept novel knowledge in the field of upcoming analytical procedures, and - dissemination of the results in the region. 27

Dissemination At the end of NETREL- the trained expert teams will be capable to further dissemination the obtained know-how and expertise to public organisations in the WB region that are active in environmental protection 28

Improvement of existing study courses, even though it is not the direct goal of the Project. QC/QA of analytical results, improve the capability of interpreting monitoring data in terms of legislative requirements, assessments of risk, to prevent further contamination for optimal protection water quality and SD ! 29

I.Spanik in his Lab

Banja Luka, BH Belgrade, RS Brartislava, SK Brno, CZ Training courses on GC/MS and HPLC in Bratislava and Brno

Acknowledgement The NETREL PROJECT was financial supported by the TEMPUS SK-JPHESH Web site NETREL.uns.ac.rs 33

34 Dobro nam dosli na I.TC-NS. Sve najbolje

The NORMAN network enhances the exchange of information on emerging environmental substances, and encourages the validation and harmonisation of common measurement methods and monitoring tools so that the requirements of risk assessors and risk managers can be better met. It specifically seeks both to promote and to benefit from the synergies between research teams from different countries in the field of EmS. 35

Examples from the LIST EmS are surfactants, flame retardants, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, gazoline additives and their degradation products, biocides, polar pesticides and their degradation products and various proven or suspected endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs). Another example is nanoparticles, which behave aerodynamically like gas molecules and have a large surface area per unit mass. It is important to keep in mind that a list of emerging substances is by definition a dynamic list. The NORMAN experts are in charge of regularly revising the list of emerging substances 36