Guess the fast food logo!
We are learning today about advertising and junk food (Please underline date and title!) All pupils will consider the impact that junk food has on our lives and why people eat it Most pupils will consider ways to encourage more people to eat healthier food Some pupils will reflect on what junk food does to our bodies and will be able to suggest alternative healthier foods
On TV? How many of you have seen an advert on TV from one of these companies?
Why do people eat junk food? It’s cheap? It’s easy? It’s convenient? It tastes good? ?????
Healthy food advert
What could we do? If you were given the choice how would you solve the problem of children eating too much Junk Food? You and your partner have 3 minutes to come up with a solution!
Healthy Adverts One way to encourage more people to eat healthily would be to advertise more healthy products on TV. You are going to be producing a TV advert for a healthy food product but you do not know which product you will be getting until the last minute. In your groups – create a spider diagram of what a good TV advert should include! You have 2 minutes!
We are learning today about advertising and junk food All pupils will consider the impact that junk food has on our lives and why people eat it Most pupils will consider ways to encourage more people to eat healthier food Some pupils will reflect on what junk food does to our bodies and will be able to suggest alternative healthier foods
You have 10 seconds to name…
Presentation by Z. Terry