Session 5 How to Have a Bible study
Ask – Have you ever had someone study the Bible with you and explain things? Would you like to do that together? Ask – Have you ever had someone study the Bible with you and explain things? Would you like to do that together? Ask – “I know of some really good Bible lessons. Would you like to study them together?” Ask – “I know of some really good Bible lessons. Would you like to study them together?”
Find a Good Set of Lessons Search for Certainty Search for Certainty Storacles Storacles Discover Discover Stay Alive with Jesus Stay Alive with Jesus
Follow the sequence. Don’t skip lessons. Follow the sequence. Don’t skip lessons. Do one lesson at a time Do one lesson at a time Have person to do the lesson ahead of time. Have person to do the lesson ahead of time.
Read the question Read the question Have person read the text and share their answer Have person read the text and share their answer You can make comments You can make comments
Make sure they understand before going to the next lesson Make sure they understand before going to the next lesson Let them ask questions Let them ask questions Ask for decision Ask for decision
Clear and Set Principle Q – Have you ever studied the Sabbath before? Or is it new to you? Q – Have you ever studied the Sabbath before? Or is it new to you? A – Yes, this is new to me. I never knew all of this. A – Yes, this is new to me. I never knew all of this.
Clear and Set Principle Q – Is it clear to you? Or do you have any questions? Q – Is it clear to you? Or do you have any questions? A – Yes, it’s clear. I’m surprised I didn’t see this before. A – Yes, it’s clear. I’m surprised I didn’t see this before. Q -- Would you like to start keeping the Sabbath and experiencing its blessings? Q -- Would you like to start keeping the Sabbath and experiencing its blessings?
Clear and Set Principle Q – Have you ever invited Jesus Christ into your life as your Savior? Q – Have you ever invited Jesus Christ into your life as your Savior? A – Not really. But I’ve gone to church before. A – Not really. But I’ve gone to church before.
Clear and Set Principle Q – Is what I said clear to you? Do you have any questions? Q – Is what I said clear to you? Do you have any questions? A – No. It seems pretty simple. A – No. It seems pretty simple. Q – Would you like to invite Jesus Christ into your life today? Q – Would you like to invite Jesus Christ into your life today?
Don’t be afraid of questions. It’s OK to say, “I don’t know” Don’t be afraid of questions. It’s OK to say, “I don’t know”
Have prayer before and after each lesson Have prayer before and after each lesson Eventually invite them to pray Eventually invite them to pray Teach them how to have a daily devotional life. Teach them how to have a daily devotional life.
Build a friendship. Do things together. Build a friendship. Do things together. If they don’t make a decision continue to be their friend If they don’t make a decision continue to be their friend
Spend time praying for them Spend time praying for them
The Power of Prayer
“We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you.” “We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you.” Colossians 1:3
“The prayer of faith will do what no power on earth can accomplish.” “The prayer of faith will do what no power on earth can accomplish.” Ministry of Healing p. 50
Why Intercessory Prayer? 1. Prayer enables God to speak to me about what may hinder the Holy Spirit
Why Intercessory Prayer? 2. Pray intensifies my desire for that person’s well-being
Why Intercessory Prayer? 3. Prayer puts me in touch with the Divine
Why Intercessory Prayer? 4. Prayer opens doors for God to work
“Begin to pray for souls; come near to Christ…let your earnest, broken, humble petitions ascend to Him for wisdom that you may have success in saving not only your own soul, but the souls of others.” Testimonies vol. 1 p. 513
Some Things to Remember Every person in the world is not your assignment Every person in the world is not your assignment Pray that God will lead you to the person He wants you to influence for Him Pray that God will lead you to the person He wants you to influence for Him Look first at people in your everyday life Look first at people in your everyday life Watch for opportunities to share spiritual things and observe their response Watch for opportunities to share spiritual things and observe their response
“It is part of God’s plan to grant us, in answer to the prayer of faith, that which He would not bestow did we not thus ask.” The Great Controversy p. 525
Seminar Info Pastor David M. Klinedinst Personal Ministries Director Christian Record Services for the Blind PO Box 6097 Lincoln, NE ext 246