AA Directions Automotive Profile April 2013
AA Directions & Cars 770,000 AA Directions readers drive a car, that equates to 86% of all AA Directions readers AA Directions readers are 14% more likely to drive a car than the New Zealand 15+ population 101,000 AA Directions readers bought a car last year, that’s 10% more likely than the total population aged % of all car buyers read AA Directions Source: Nielsen CMI Jan-Dec 2012 % %
AA Directions & Car Buying 21,000 AA Directions readers purchased a brand new car last year, which is 27% more likely than all people who bought a car last year 33% of all new car buyers read AA Directions magazine AA Directions readers who purchased a car last year were 8% more likely to have purchased a small car, 10% more likely to purchase a medium car, 14% more likely to buy a 4WD, and 7% a Ute, than all those who bought a car last year Source: Nielsen CMI Jan-Dec 2012 % %
AA Directions & Car Buying 90,000 AA Directions readers are planning to buy a car next year, which is 2% more likely than all people. 24% of all people planning to buy a car next year read AA Directions magazine 24,000 AA Directions readers are planning to spend $30,000 or more on a car next year, that’s 26% more likely than all people who are planning to buy a car next year. 6,000 AA Directions readers are planning to spend $50,000 or more on a car next year, that’s 20% more likely than all people who are planning to buy a car next year. Source: Nielsen CMI Jan-Dec 2012 %
AA Directions and Planning on buying a car next year AA Directions is the Number One read consumer read title by those who are going to buy a car next year Source: Nielsen CMI Jan-Dec 2012 Does not include listings titles such as Skywatch and TV Guide