Lesson Appraisal Guidelines (LAG)
Criteria for the LAGs Coherence and Quality of Planning Management of Learning Environment Subject and Procedural Knowledge E ff ectiveness of Teaching Strategies Teaching in Diverse Settings Coherence of Lessons Integration of Literacy and Numeracy Quality Assessment of/for Learning Quality of Relationships Reflective Practice Professional Conduct and Practice
Coherence and Quality of Planning* Balance between teacher activities and learner activities Planning for classroom management, teaching, learning and assessment Lesson plan available and complete Coherence of schemes and lesson plans Resources and use of technology Planning for di ff erentiation**
Management of Learning Environment Communication of learning expectations, classroom rules, and procedures Personal enthusiasm Motivation of learners Organisation of resources Safe working environment Lesson supervision Promotion of learner responsibility **
Subject and Procedural Knowledge Knowledge and understanding of topic(s) Understanding and development of activity, topic and concept Appropriateness to learner age and ability Progression of topic Mastery of procedures Discipline specific teaching strategies Appropriate use of subject terminology
E ff ectiveness of Teaching Strategies Use of an appropriate of a range of teaching strategies Achieving balance between teacher activities and learner activities High expectations of self and learners Pacing of tasks and activities Quality of explanations and instructions Quality of feedback and questioning Going beyond information to concepts, principles and attitudes Use of higher order questioning Forges cross- curricular links ** Application to relevant local and global development issues**
Teaching in Diverse Settings Awareness of diverse learners Provision for mixed-ability learners Creative learning experiences for all learners ** Ability to respond to and challenge all learners **
Coherence of Lessons Linkage between parts of the lesson Linkage between lessons
Integration of Literacy and Numeracy Integration of literacy and numeracy Responsiveness to literacy/numeracy issues Literacy / Numeracy Levels
Quality Assessment of/for Learning Assessment of learning in relation to a wide range of outcomes Assessment for learning in relation to a wide range of outcomes Variety of assessment instruments
Quality of Relationships Evidence of caring attitude toward all learners Learners’ enjoyment of learning The nature of teacher-learner relationships Use of learners’ names Encourages learner-learner interaction
Reflective Practice Identification of strengths and deficiencies Willingness to identify and pursue particular issues and/or problems over a series of lessons and draw meaningful conclusions Willingness to learn from tutor (s) and co- operating/mentor teacher Responsibility for own professional development** Critical reflection supported with literature **
Professional Conduct and Practice Respect for learners and all members of the school community Exercise of duty of care Ownership and responsibility for decisions Maturity and confidence