First things First – Structures & Processes Timetable – dedicated time for Numeracy ‘Connected’ leadership model – numeracy leaders identified in each section of the school Structured meeting schedules Strengthened curriculum leadership roles and responsibilities Aligned & personalised the Performance & Development, Annual Implementation Plan & Professional Learning plans.
Building Leadership Capacity Strategic planning with the curriculum leadership team – L-R Assistant Principal, Literacy Coordinator, Principal, Numeracy Coach & Regional Literacy Coach.
National Partnerships Improvement Projects Building Leadership Capacity Numeracy Coach EFT 1.0 Coaches classroom teachers Supports ES staff to implement Number Fluency Activities Leads Numeracy PLT’s Attends Coaching Development Supports Numeracy Intervention program Works alongside colleagues for neighbouring schools & regional staff Developing our Numeracy leadership capacity
Building Leadership Capacity – Ros working with the Grade 5 teachers in their Numeracy PLT. Planning weekly differentiated learning tasks with the term planning framework
Building Leadership Capacity – Across our Neighbourhood Neighbourhood Numeracy Leaders working collaboratively on a Lesson study Neighbourhood Numeracy Leaders Senior student s from across the neighbourhood
National Partnerships Improvement Projects Building Teacher Capacity Professional Learning Numeracy Coaching –Formal & Informal Fortnightly numeracy PLTs built into weekly program Whole staff Professional Learning sessions Numeracy Intervention Program Training Education Support Staff Neighbourhood Collegiate work Resources Neighbourhood Curriculum Framework Term planning sessions Central resource library
Building Teacher Capacity Term Forward planning with the 3/4 team using the Numeracy Neighbourhood Curriculum
Building Teacher Capacity – Professional Learning with Professor John Munro Professional Learning - developing mathematical comprehension
Building Teacher Capacity Numeracy Intervention.... According to John Hattie the “art is to provide the right form of feedback at, or just above the level where the student is working.” Visible Learning, 2009.
Building Teacher Capacity Prep ESL program – developing language and mathematical concepts CALD Prep Group Differentiated Number Fluency Activities
Building Teacher Capacity Numeracy Resource Centre
National Partnerships Improvement Projects Student Centred Interventions Case Study Model Differentiated learning Developing language & Mathematical meta-cognition Application of Assoc. Professor John Munro’s High Reliability Literacy Teaching Procedures in Mathematics. Extensive exposure to hands on learning
Student Centred Interventions Case Study Students Differentiated & personalised learning– Monitoring Case Study student progress
Student Centred Interventions Developing the language of maths and articulating mathematical thoughts and ideas
Student Centred Interventions Differentiated & collaborative learning – making predictions and testing hypotheses
Student Centred Interventions Hands on Experiences - and higher level questioning skills to support learning.
National Partnerships Improvement Projects Effective Use of Data Classroom teacher administering the Mathematics Online Interview and Number Fluency Assessments
Student Centred Interventions Collaborative & meaningful learning experiences -
National Partnerships Improvement Projects Family & Community Engagement 3 Family Liaison Officers – Arabic, Afghani & Koori Building connections between home and school Developing common understandings
Effective Use of Data OnDemand Adaptive – Number Results
‘ Communities of the mind are collections of individuals who are bonded together by natural will and a set of shared ideals.' Thomas Sergiovanni St. Georges Rd. Primary School, Shepparton Numeracy Intervention