Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS)
PTLLS – Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Initial Teacher Training reform requires new entrants to profession from Sep 07 to have a teaching qualification PTLLS first stage in process Component parts of PTLLS linked to Job Ladder Assessed though assignments and micro-teach session Five components … As part of the Initial Teacher Training reform, colleagues involved in teaching or training, who joined the industry after 1 September 2007, are required to work towards teaching qualifications. The first stage in this process is PTLLS – Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning sector. We have linked the component parts of PTLLS to the Job Ladder, so colleagues will gain understanding for the qualification while learning the job. The qualification is assessed through knowledge based assignments and a micro-teaching session which pulls the learning together The qualification has five components – let’s look at them one by one
PTLLS Understand own role, responsibilities and boundaries of role in relation to teaching Role as a “teacher” or trainer Health & Safety Equality & Diversity Copyright DDA Referring learners to specialist sources of support Reasons for record keeping The first component is about knowing own job role and responsibilities as a “teacher” or trainer. This includes legislation, such as Health and Safety, Equality and Diversity, Copyright and so on. “Teachers” are expected to know when and where to refer learners to meet specialist needs and the reasons for record keeping.
PTLLS Understand appropriate teaching and learning approaches in the specialist area Identify & demonstrate different ways of delivering learning in own specialist area Embedding literacy, numeracy and IT into teaching Reasons for choosing teaching approaches in a given situation The second outcome includes identifying and demonstrating different ways of delivering the learning in the “teacher’s” own specialist area. This section also looks at how literacy, numeracy and IT can be embedded into the teaching of this area. Teachers are expected to be able to explain why they choose particular approaches to teach specific items.
PTLLS Demonstrate session planning skills Plan a teaching learning session to meet individual needs Explain why particular resources have been used Teachers need to plan a teaching and learning session to meet the needs of individual learners and explain why they have used particular resources in that session to aid learning
PTLLS Understand how to deliver inclusive sessions which motivate learners Establishing ground rules Ensuring appropriate behaviour Respect for other learners Using activities to motivate & engage learners Giving feedback to learners Communicating effectively Reflecting on own session Evaluation of how session went This outcome covers establishing ground rules with learners to ensure appropriate behaviour in the classroom and respect for others. It looks at using a range of teaching and learning methods to engage and motivate learners. Teachers have to demonstrate how to give effective feedback to learners, to communicate appropriately and effectively with learners. Teachers also have to reflect on their own teaching and evaluate how the session went.
PTLLS Understand the use of different assessment methods and the need for record keeping Assessment methods in different contexts Initial, formative & summative assessment Which methods to use in which context Why and how are records of assessment kept This component looks at different assessment methods, in different contexts, including initial assessment, formative assessment and summative assessment. Teachers are required to identify different methods to use in appropriate contexts. They also need to explain why and how records of assessment, at all stages, are kept.
Starting PTLLS Colleagues will be registered with the Institute for Learning once they have been made permanent Learning for PTLLS starts from day one of employment, through Job Ladder links Job Ladders now show links to the components of PTLLS. Learning materials on Ask ELLE will also support learning towards the qualification. H&S learning, E&D, Group Training Skills as well as A1 learning will all contribute to the colleague’s learning for the qualification, as well as the toolbox sessions.
Plans to deliver PTLLS Initial focus for new colleagues will be to get assessor qualifications (A1, Key Skills, Technical Certificates) Learning for PTLLS starts from day one Colleagues will complete the qualification with an external provider Plans are to work with one provider on a national basis Explain that PTLLS learning starts at the outset, but first priority in achieving qualifications has to be A1, Key Skills, Tech Certs External delivery planned Looking to send colleagues on a one week course to complete Currently negotiating to find a provider who can deliver nationally