Numeracy at MNS Rimu Syndicate Parent Information Evening
Outline How is Mathematics taught now? The New Zealand Numeracy Framework Helpful and practical ideas to support your child’s learning in mathematics.
Numeracy Project Goal “to be numerate is to have the ability and inclination to use mathematics effectively – at home, at work and in the community” Published in Curriculum Update 45:
Developmental Stage Progression The New Zealand Number Framework
The NZ Numeracy Framework Each Numeracy Stage highlights key knowledge and strategy that a child should know. Strong knowledge is essential for students to broaden their strategies across a full range of numbers. StrategyKnowledge Creates new knowledge through use Provides the foundation for strategies
Numeracy Stages Emergent One to One Counting Count from one on Materials Count from one by Imaging Advanced Counting Early Additive Part-Whole Advanced Additive Part-Whole Advanced Multiplicative Advanced Proportional Counting Strategies Non Counting Strategies
Emergent Movie Clip 1,2,3,5, 8...? Can you get me 7 counters from the pile please? The child can not consistently count a collection of objects. Video clip
One to One Counting 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7. Can you get me 7 counters from the pile please? The child can count a set of objects up to ten but can’t join and separate sets like = Video Clip
Knowledge Stage 0-1 Identify numbers to ten Rote count fluently backwards and forwards in the range one to ten Order numerals in the range one to ten Instantly recognise finger and dot patterns to five Correct number formation
Count From One on Materials 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7. There are 4 counters and another 3 counters. How many are there altogether? The child solves the problem by using their fingers or other materials and counts from one. Video clip
Count From One By Imaging Counts in head 1,2,3,4… 5,6,7. There are 4 counters and another 3 counters. How many are there altogether? The child counts all the objects from one by imaging visual patterns of the objects in their mind. Video clip
Knowledge Stage 2-3 Identify numbers to twenty Rote count fluently backwards and forwards in the range one to twenty Order numerals in the range one to twenty Instantly recognise finger and dot patterns to tenfinger Say what comes before and after numbers in the range one to ten Skip count in twos and fives in the range one to twenty Recall addition and subtraction facts 2+3, 5-1, to five and doubles to five 3+3 Uses pictures, diagrams, words and symbols to record
Advanced Counting Counts on 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. There are 9 counters under there and another 4 counters under there. How many are there altogether? The child counts on from the largest number Video clip
Knowledge Stage 4 Identify numbers to 100, then to 1000 Identify ½ 1/3 ¼ 1/5 symbols Rote count fluently backwards and forwards in the range one to 100 Order numerals in the range one to 100 Say what comes before and after numbers in the range one to 100 Knows grouping with ten, within 20, and tens in ty numbers Skip count in twos and fives and tens in the range one to 100 Basic facts to ten, doubles to 20, teen facts, and Records using equations
Early Part-Whole “I know that If I take one off the 6 and put it on the 9 it = = 15” There are 9 counters under there and another 6 counters under there. How many are there altogether? The child uses simple strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems mentally Video clip
Knowledge Stage 5 Identify, order and count forwards and backwards in the range 0 to 1000 Identify fractions Say the number 1, 10, 100 before and after a number Knows grouping with ten, within 20, and tens in ty numbers Basic facts to 20, doubles and halves to 100 Skip count in twos, threes, fives and tens 2s, 5s and 10s times tables Records using equations and diagrams E.G. Number line
How is maths taught differently now?
Teaching Model and support children understanding using a researched teaching model. Using materials Thinking about what would happen on the materials Working only on numbers Teach to achieve next learning steps. Working only with numbers Imaging Materials Using Materials
How can parents help? Developing a child’s knowledge is a key to their success and development in mathematics.
Knowledge Building Counting (cars, shells on beach, pegs, run around the house, how many steps you walk, count backwards, start from different numbers) Numbers before and after (Letter boxes, say a number, use a numberline, use number cards, write a number down, ladder game, keyboard numbers, using dice) Identifying numbers (Letter boxes, number plates, speed signs, how many km to go, number cards, combine numbers) Ordering numbers (Number cards, write some numbers down )
Knowledge Building Knowing groups to ten (Using ten frames, using fingers) Basic addition facts to ten (Buttons, ten frames, fingers) Recalling Doubles (ten frames, fingers, quinary sticks) Abacus Ten frames
National Standards After 40 weeks at school After 80 weeks at school After 120 weeks at school
Handouts – Support Material What you do counts NZ Maths – family sectionfamily section Mathletics Maths at home