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Presentation transcript:

100 How often should you go to confession?

100 Monthly; or at the least once a year

200 What causes the complete breakdown of our relationship with God?

Mortal Sin 200

300 What are the 3 conditions for a sin to be subjectively mortal? (serious enough to go to confession before receiving Holy Communion)

300 1)The sin is serious 2)You know it’s serious 3)You commit the sin anyway

What does Mortal Sin cause? 400

The loss of Sanctifying Grace 400

500 What do we mean by ‘conscience’?

Conscience is the inner self that helps us determine between right and wrong 500

List the 10 Commandments 600

1) You Shall Not Have Any Other Gods Before Me 2) You Shall Not Take The Lord God’s Name in Vain 3) Remember to Keep Holy The Lords Day 4) Honor Your Mother and Father 5) You Shall Not Kill 6) You Shall Not Commit Adultery 7) You Shall Not Steal 8) You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor 9)You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbors Wife 10)You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbors Goods 600

What is the name of our current Pope? 100

Pope Francis 100

What is the name of the Archbishop of our Diocese? (Minneapolis/St Paul) 200

Archbishop John Nienstedt 200

List the Seven Precepts of the Church 300

1)Attend Mass on Sundays and all Holy Days of Obligation 2)Confess Your Sins at Least One Time Per Year 3)Receive the Eucharist at Least One Time During the Easter Season 4)To Fast and Abstain from Meat as Appointed 5)Observe the Laws of the Church Regarding Marriage 6)Actively Spread the Word of Jesus 7)Contribute to the Support of the Church 300

What is the Church Militant, Triumphant, and Suffering all a part of? 400

The Mystical Body of Christ 400

When we say that the Church is Apostolic, we affirm: (list) 500

1)That Christ founded the Church on the Apostles 2)That the Apostles received from Christ the authority to continue Christ’s mission 3) That the Apostles passed on to their successors the authority to continue Christ’s mission 4)The Pope and bishops are successors to Peter and the Apostles 500

What does the Church teach about the Immaculate Conception? 600

That Mary was conceived and born without the stain of Original Sin 600

Name the Seven Sacraments and define each of them 100

1)Baptism – The removal of original sin from the soul (all sin if baptized later in life) 2)Reconciliation – The confession of sins to a Priest (in persona of Jesus) asking for forgiveness and receiving absolution and restoring grace. 3)Eucharist – Receiving the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus under the form of consecrated unleavened bread and wine. 4)Confirmation – Completes and perfects Baptismal Grace. The last rite of initiation into the Church. 5)Holy Matrimony – The union of one man and one woman for the rest of their lives to create a family and help each other to achieve Heaven. 6)Holy Orders – To become an ordained Priest or Deacon to serve God’s Church and His people. 7)Anointing of the Sick – God’s blessing and healing powers bestowed upon the sick and afflicted by a Priest’s anointing with holy chrism and prayers. 100

Why is the forehead anointed with the Sign of the Cross? 200

As a reminder that our salvation was won through Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross 200

What are the effects of Confirmation? 300

1)Roots us more deeply in God’s Family 2)Unites us more firmly with Christ and His Church 3)Imprints a Spiritual Mark of indelible character on our Soul 4)Increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us to bear witness to the Christian faith as true witnesses of Christ 300

400 Who has been given the power to Confirm?

The Bishops (who may on occasion pass the powers onto a priest) 400

What is a Sacrament? 500

An outward sign, given by Jesus, to produce grace in our soul.

What is the purpose of the Sacraments? 600

To give us grace to achieve Heaven 600

Name the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and explain them: 100

1)Knowledge- Information that enables us to find the will of God in all things. 2)Understanding – Compression of the truths of our faith. 3)Counsel – The Spirit’s advice warns us of the devil’s deceits and of the dangers to obtaining salvation. 4)Wisdom – Gives us insight to our faith and gives us insight on how to best live our lives. 5)Piety – Respect and awe help us to hold God in the highest regard. 6)Fortitude – Gives us the courage to do the will of God despite life’s challenges. 7)Fear of the Lord – We are aware of the Glory of God and fear offending Him and separating ourselves from Him. Helps us to respect and obey Him. 100

Name the Fruits of the Holy Spirit (12): 200

CharityKindnessGenerosity JoyGoodnessGentleness PeaceFaithfulnessSelf Control PatienceModestyChastity 200

Through the gift of Infallibility, the Holy Spirit guarantees the Church’s Teachings on faith and morals to be: 300

True and free from error 300

What is Transubstantiation? 400

The Miracle that turns ordinary unleavened bread and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ 400

500 Man is Made up of what two substance?

500 Body and Soul

600 What are the five dimensions of every human being?

600 1)Physical 2)Emotional 3)Intellectual 4)Spiritual 5)Social

100 What are the two main parts of the Bible?

100 The Old Testament and the New Testament

200 What is the first book in the Bible?

200 Genesis

300 What is the last book in the Bible?

300 Revelation

400 Name the Four Gospel Writers:

400 Matthew Mark Luke John

500 At the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave us the:

500 Eight Beatitudes

600 What does the word ‘covenant’ mean?

600 A solemn agreement (promise) between God and Human Beings with mutual commitments

100 Who is the Lord and Savior of your life?

100 Jesus Christ

200 Define ‘Incarnation’:

200 Incarnation is the act of God taking on the human form of Jesus.

300 What is the Eucharist?

300 The Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in the Consecrated Host at the Mass

400 What is the Mystery of the Trinity?

400 Three distinct persons in one God: God the Father; God the Son; and God the Holy Spirit

500 Jesus, God’s Son is: 1.Divine only, 2.Human only, 3.Human and Divine, 4.None of these:

500 Jesus is both Human and Divine

600 The union of the two natures in Jesus Christ is referred to as:

600 The Hypostatic Union