June 21, 2015 Our prayer is that you will experience the presence of God and the warmth of our people today. Communication cards are available on the entry table and under sanctuary chairs. We hope to become better acquainted! Today’s message is third in our series on “Nazarene Essentials”, the basic beliefs and history of The Church of the Nazarene. 2 Corinthians 5:16-20; “Passionate and Intentional”. Next Sunday we welcome missionaries Randy & Joani Goossens from Papua New Guinea. We’re glad you’re here and hope you feel at home with us. Elementary and Preschool classes are available for your children during the service. Nursery care is provided each week for children age two years and under. Please allow our greeters to assist you in locating these classrooms. God bless you! Joy Streight, Pastor Prayer Reminders Lord help us grow more like You each day, serving our neighbors as we serve You. Campers at Trinity Pines Camp. This week, 4-6 th gr Kid’s Camp. Healing Lee & Mary W., Ian W., Donna & Bob, Charlene, Jean, Alfred, Gary Y., Kathleen, Maynard E., Liz, Jonas L., Joy Z., Judah, Brooke, Anne & Larry, Renee, Evelyn M., Mikayla, John N., Scott, Beverly S., Gladys, Chelsea, Lucy Y., Matthew, Katie, Jan M., John S, Loren D. Cancer Battles Lee W., Nick, Ross S., Jake B., Janet, Angie K., Doran, Yoshiko G., Troy S., Darin Z. God’s Care, intervention and guidance M.A.F. at work around the world. Titus, NNU. Erin-Employment, unspoken needs, Nargis, Irene, Sarah C., Vera H., Sally B., Joe, Melody, Cody, Nathan, Jamie, Shelly H., Ashley, Rosie, Saeed Abedini; financial needs of our people, church & community Our District Leader Rev. Scott Shaw Solid Rock Garden Ministry Thursday nights 6:30-8:30 PM Next Work Day June 20, 9 AM-1 PM Boise Five Mile Community Church of the Nazarene Pastor Ben Turner “Jacob’s Well” Boise’s N. End- Chris & Cherie Reiter, Pastor BSU Student Ministry Ben & Tami Moore Contact Us Church Office Rev. Joy Streight: Worship Ministry Cherie Reiter:
June 22, 23, 24: June 28: July 1: July 18: July 31-August 2 VBS “Under Construction” 6:30-8:30 PM Missionaries Randy & Joani Goosens from PNG Prayer Together in Prayer Room, 6 – 7 PM Solid Rock Garden work day 9 AM – 1 PM Men’s Bi-Monthly Breakfast at Castle Hills 7:30 – 9 AM with new District Superintendent Rev. Scott Shaw speaking. ALL-Church Family Campout! Bull Trout Lake. Calendar of Events Missionaries Coming Next Sunday! Summer Kids! June Sundays are the same as our VBS Theme, “Under Construction”! Building Character like Jesus! June 7: Humility Last Sunday: Caring Today: Devotion to God June : VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! June 28: Family Worship with missionaries Randy & Joani Goossens July is FAMILY WORSHIP MONTH! Everyone worshiping together. In August, we begin the new curriculum, “ Jesus In Jeans!” Vacation Bible School! Randy and Joani Goossens Melanesia and South Pacific Regional Missionaries serving in PNG Randy, Joani, Emma, Lexi & Ethan serving the Lord in Kudjip since 2011 Both Randy and Joani are from Washington State. After being involved in Work & Witness in Brazil and Fiji the Lord called them to specialized assignment as missionaries in PNG. Joani is Field Treasurer and Randy wears many hats in support of the Field Strategy Coordinator and Mission Station. Please be praying for this precious family as they prepare to come and share in our service next Sunday.