Literacy Recounts and Reports We will begin by imagining what it was like to be in London in the time of the Great Fire (1666). The children will then.


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Presentation transcript:

Literacy Recounts and Reports We will begin by imagining what it was like to be in London in the time of the Great Fire (1666). The children will then write an imaginary recount about escaping from the fire, what would they save? They will learn about Pepys and pretend they are a child from that time and write a diary. Instructions How do you make bread? The children begin by learning how to make bread before having a go at making their own. After talking and practising instructional language the children will write their own set of instructions!. Fantasy Worlds The children are introduced to The Dragon Machine and explore the character of George. They make predictions and write similes. They listen to and discuss other dragon stories and decide which they like best and why. Information Texts The structure & features of information texts are introduced by exploring fire engines. The children will make an information sheet which includes facts & labels. Year 2 Spring Term 2014 Welcome to term 2 of Year 2. Miss Muir and I are looking forward to the term ahead because we have some exciting activities planned as part of our new topic. Fire! This is an exciting and imaginative topic which we will introduce through fireworks and firework festivals, including Chinese New Year. We will also be finding out about dragons and fire safety. During the second half of the term we will be focusing on The Great Fire of London. Spring Class Texts The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward, George and the Dragon by Chris Wormell The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch Usborne Book of Big Machines Please encourage your child to read anything and everything including non-fiction texts about the Great Fire of London and other dragon stories. Websites

Classroom Routines Reading Books: This year we have made arrangements to change reading books on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If books are sent in on a Tuesday or a Thursday we will keep them until the following day. Home/School Diaries: Home school diaries are a great way of communicating so please continue to use them for passing on messages and information. They are checked for messages and returned each day. Homework: Homework will be set on a Friday and should be handed in by the following Wednesday. Initially this will be a numeracy skills activity that reinforces a teaching point we have explored in school. As the term progresses times tables will also become a regular homework activity. Teaching Team Mrs Evans – Teacher Miss Muir – Teaching Assistant Mrs Townson – Teaching Assistant R.E We will be exploring some of the Bible stories that illustrate why Jesus was special. We will then go on to look at the symbols associated with Easter and how the Church celebrates Easter. Science The children will be exploring the various properties of materials and will go on to identify how they are used in different ways. We will find out what happens to materials, e.g. water, when heated or cooled. Numeracy This term our number work will focus on: Comparing and ordering two-digit numbers. Rounding two-digit numbers to the nearest multiple of ten. Solving word problems. Finding 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 more or less. Adding and subtracting 11,12, 13, 21, 22, 23 Using pairs to 10 to add and subtract single digit numbers from a 2- digit number. Counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Multiplication and division. Halves, doubles and quarters. Finding a difference using pairs to 10. We will also focus on: Shape: 2-d shapes, 3-d shapes, position and direction, symmetry Weight: Estimating, measuring and comparing weights using standard units. Money: Solving problems up to £1. Data: Using tables, lists and diagrams to categorise shapes. Time: Seconds, minutes, hours and days. Telling the time. PE This term our outdoor PE session will be a Thursday afternoon. The children will need trainers and tracksuit trousers. It is important that the trainers have a good tread. It would be very helpful if the additional items of PE kit could be left in school.