Curriculum Content – Pippin Class The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life. The learning and development requirements cover: the areas of learning and development which must shape activities and experiences (educational programmes) for children in all early years settings; the early learning goals that providers must help children work towards (the knowledge, skills and understanding children should have at the end of the academic year in which they turn five); and assessment arrangements for measuring progress (and requirements for reporting to parents and/or carers). EYFS Statutory Information
Curriculum Content – Honeycrisp Class This term our learning will be focused on ‘Changes’. This is an exciting topic which I’m sure your children will enjoy. I have briefly outlined what we are intending to cover in each area of the curriculum. History – The history of our school and the changes that have happened. Geography – Changes in our local environment. RE – Christianity. Art and Design – Experimenting with changing colours. Science – Ourselves and other Animals and Electricity. Music – Changes in sounds. DT – Changes in cooking. Literacy, Numeracy, Phonics and Guided reading will take place daily. We have got PE sessions on Thursdays and Fridays, please can you ensure that your child has a named PE kit in school on those days. We also have ICT sessions during each week to support our learning. Reading daily with your child is very important to ensure they gain confidence in their ability and their love of reading. Please read with your child as often as possible and sign in their reading record book so that their book can be changed. Spellings and Home Tasks On a Monday your child will bring home a list of 10 words. Please help them to recognise, read and spell each word. We will also be focusing on the same 10 words in class throughout the week. On a Friday your children will have a short spelling test. You will be informed of their results on the following Monday when you receive the following weeks words.
Curriculum Content – Russet Class As a school, we are continuing to use a more thematic approach to our subject teaching. We shall be linking some subjects together in order to make learning more relevant and meaningful for the children. Our first theme this year is: CHANGES. Within this theme we shall be learning about: Bysing Wood 40th Anniversary (History) Forces – Science Creating buildings - Design and Technology (DT) Appraising music from past times - Music Christianity – Religious Education (RE) New beginnings – PSHE Children will also have weekly PE lessons. ICT will be used across the curriculum. Literacy and Numeracy lessons will take place daily. If you have got any skills or knowledge in any of these areas, please let me know and maybe we could arrange some time in class for you. Homework Reading – each child has got a reading book and reading record book. It would be great if your child could be heard to read every night, please make a note in the reading record book if a book has been finished and we will swap it for a new one.
Curriculum Content – Discovery Class Our thematic approach continues this term and many subjects will be linked together. History: The Ancient Greeks: How they impact on our lives today and how they dealt with different weather conditions. Geography: Children will be learning about a village in India and how the water cycle affects land use in this location. Science: Teeth and Healthy Eating and Rocks and Soils: We will be investigating different things connected with these topics. Design Technology: Shelters: Children will be making model Adivasi homes that must withstand different weather conditions! Art: Weather: The children will use a range of materials to create school and class displays. Music: Stormy Weather. We will be using and making percussion instruments to produce sound effects for ‘weather stories’. Religious Education will be linked to the Kent Syllabus. Term 1 will be Judaism (Rights of Passage). Term 2 will be Christianity (Celebrations). PSHE: Our themes for these terms are Going for Goals and Good to be Me. Literacy and Numeracy lessons will take place daily and PE will still be on a Monday and Wednesday and children will continue with French lessons whilst ICT will be embedded in all curriculum areas. Reading Each child has a reading book and a reading record book. It would be really helpful if your child could be heard read whenever possible. Please make sure to make a note in the reading book to show they have read and if they have finished we will change the book for a different one. We aim to change the books regularly if needed. Other The children will be trying different foods during the terms so if they have any allergies please could you let me know. Also many PE lessons will take place outside during these terms so could you please check that the children have trainers or plimsoles that still fit. Also please could long hair be tied back and earrings removed or covered before coming to school.
Curriculum Content – Empire Class