Response to Intervention North Santiam School District August 25, 2009
What is RTI? Systemic three-tiered approach to teaching literacy and numeracy Sytemic three-tiered approach to implicitly teaching pro-social behaviors Use of research-based curriculum at each tier in the system Multiple data points Data-driven decision making
Tier 1 – Core Literacy Also referred as general classroom 90 to 120 minutes of instruction Large group; small group instruction Addresses the five areas of reading: phonics, phonemic awareness (grades K- 3), fluency, vocabulary and comprehension Curriculum – Treasures K-6; Penguin 7-12 Coaching support to all teachers
Tier 2 – Strategic Literacy Also referred to “yellow zone” (we are no longer calling this “Title 1”) Minimum of 30 minutes per day “In addition to” core curriculum Provided by reading specialists/teaching assistants under the direction of RS Curriculums – Triumphs (primary), Read Well, Read Naturally, Rewards Coaching support to RS and TAs
Tier 3 – Intensive Literacy Also known as “red zone” – (we are no longer calling this “special education”) Minimum of 90 minutes per day REPLACES core curriculum Provided by a special education licensed teacher/general education teachers & teaching assistants under the direction of a teacher Curriculums – Corrective Reading, Reading Mastery, Saxon Math, Language! Most students have IEPs or support plans or “ruling out” special education identification Coaching support to teachers, TAs
Tier 1, 2, 3 – Numeracy The district will be developing this during the school year – Math Consultant Adopting Curriculums – TBA Instructional minutes – TBA Assessment Systems – TBA
Tier 1 – Core Behavior Also referred as school-wide Positive Behavior Supports Behavior expectations clearly defined and implicitly taught Large group Addresses the 3 to 5 behavior outcomes established in each building Acknowledgement and consequence systems Coaching support to all teachers
Tier 2 – Strategic Behavior Also referred to “yellow zone” Reteach in small group and/or individual by any staff More concrete tracking of teaching, reteach and student outcomes Interventions – check in, check out; silent mentors; groups Coaching support to staff
Tier 3 – Intensive Behavior Also known as “red zone” – (we are no longer calling this “special education”) Functional Behavior Assessments that drive Behavior Support Plans Individualizes instruction to meet the behavioral outcomes Provided by all staff; heavily supported by Behavior Specialists and/or Special Education teachers Interventions – tracking cards, individualized acknowledgements & consequences, personal preference profiles Most students have IEPs or support plans or “ruling out” special education identification Coaching support to teachers, TAs
Tier 1 – Data Systems Literacy DIBELS (K-6) – 3 times per year OAKS – 3 times per year Progress Reporter – Unit Assessments for Treasures – 6 times per year Behavior SWIS –School-wide Information Systems Reviewed by whole staff monthly Review the “Big 5” – average per day/per month, area, behavior, time, by student
Tier 2 – Data Systems Literacy DIBELS (K-6) – monthly OAKS – 3 times per year Progress Reporter – Unit Assessments for Treasures – 6 times per year Intervention Curriculum Assessments Behavior SWIS –School-wide Information Systems Reviewed by whole staff monthly Review the “Big 5” – average per day/per month, area, behavior, time, by student Individual student data as determined by the intervention
Tier 3 – Data Systems Literacy DIBELS (K-6) – bi-weekly OAKS – 3 times per year Progress Reporter – Unit Assessments for Treasures – 6 times per year Intervention Curriculum Assessments Behavior SWIS –School-wide Information Systems Reviewed by whole staff monthly Review the “Big 5” – average per day/per month, area, behavior, time, by student Individual student data as determined by the intervention (more intensive)
Data Teams Team Members for Tier 1: grade level teams, reading specialist, principal – focus on classroom and grade level trends Team Members for Tier 2: reading specialist, behavior specialist, principal – focus on student trends Team Members for Tier 3: classroom teacher, special education teacher, behavior specialist, principal – focus on intensive student outcomes If the team determines special education identification is necessary – all the members in Tier 3 AND the parent
Why is this the best? Systemic instructional approach Increases focus of all staff on the student Customizes the interventions – avoiding the “one size fits all” model Expedites services to students – avoids the “waiting to fail” model Extinguishes poor self-esteem Staff energy is positive rather than negative
NSSD Outcomes 90% of 3 rd graders on grade level going into fourth grade; three different data points (19 students) 87% of 4 th graders on grade level going into fifth grade; two data points (23 students) 65% of 6 th graders on grade level going into 7 th grade; two data points – 1 st year using Treasures
NSSD Goal 95% of 3 rd Graders on grade level going into 4 th grade 90% of 4 th, 5 th, 6 th, 7 th and 8 th graders Each student will meet or exceed their expected gains - Specialists and teachers are aligned and targeting instruction to meet this goal Data is a resource to staff
The Next Work Principals will lead and continue the discussion for each building Will each building look “exactly” like the others – NO! Will each building have the components of a three-tiered system – YES! Great job – keep up the GREAT work!