CURRENT DEBATE Record: 8 Nov 2014 – 3 positions 1.No to Women’s Ordination 2.Yes to Women’s Ordination 3.Confused
SUBJECT: Debate appears to be about ordination of women as Pastors Title of “Pastor” and laying on of hands NOT elders and deacons or any other office – rarely contentious
BIBLE FACTS HERE ONLY Officers of the early Church Who appoints each Precedents for women (if any) Precedents for ordination
OFFICERS OF THE EARLY CHURCH Episkopos = overseer/leader Diakonos = servant Presbuteros = elder Poimen = shepherd (Latin, Pastor) Apostolos = one who is sent – apostle Prophet
DISTINCTIONS UNCLEAR Acts 20:17, 28 1 Tim 3:2 and Tit 1:5, 7 1 Peter 5:1-3 Elders acted as leaders and shepherds
DIVINE APPOINTMENTS Apostles, etc: Eph 4:7, 11; 1 Cor 12:28 Includes Apostles, Prophets and Pastors
CHURCH APPOINTED Acts 14:23, 2 Cor 8:19 (cheirotoneo) Acts 6:3 (“deacon” not stated) Only Elders and Deacons appointed by church
SUMMARY SO FAR Divinely Appointed: Apostles, Prophets (and Pastors as function only!), evangelists, etc. Church Appointed: Deacons and Elders No precedent for separate office of pastor from elder
WOMEN PRECEDENTS Judges 4:4 – Deborah – leader of Israel 2 Kings 22:14 – Huldah Acts 18:24 – 26 Priscilla Acts 21:9 – four daughters of Philip Rom 16:7 – Junia, an apostle!
PRECEDENTS FOR ORDINATION Laying on of hands to ordain NONE Should this be done at all? What of accountants? NT: Holy Spirit reception, healing, blessing and arresting
WHY THE DEBATE? Ordination not required for preaching Ordination not required for leadership Pastoral Ordination not required for baptism Why?? – only title
EXAMPLE Rom 15:8, John 12:26, Eph 6:21 Matt 26:31, John 10:11, Heb 13:20, 1 Peter 2:25 Matt 20:25 – 28 **