Hayward’s Primary School. -My obsession with Einstein!!! -Insanity; -Imagination. -My obsession with non-negotiables! -Hard messages? Together as one!
Positive feedback! Hayward’s Primary School.
Writing Reading Maths Progress Hayward’s Primary School. Headlines Great overall average progress, considering high level of SEN. Writing progress very encouraging – and outperforming maths! 23% of children made 6+PP reading, 17% writing, 17% maths! (two years progress)
SEN Hayward’s Primary School. AVERAGE PROGRESS2 Levels Progress Writing3.6260% (66%) Reading3.9275% (73%) Numeracy3.3280% (76%) English68% English & Maths L4+ 34% Headlines SEN pupils make accelerated progress. Gaining ground 2 levels progress for reading and numeracy. Slipping back in writing.
National Comparison Hayward’s Primary School. Writing Reading Maths Writing Reading Maths Headlines Closing the attainment gap in writing. Pulling away in reading. Slight change in maths
Imagination......CAN CAN – acronym and verb! Children’s Additional Needs 1.to be able to; have the ability, power, or skill to: She can solve the problem easily, I'm sure. 2.to know how to: He can play chess, although he's not particularly good at it. 3.to have the power or means to: A dictator can impose his will on the people. 4.to have the right or qualifications to: He can change whatever he wishes in the script. 5.may; have permission to: Can I speak to you for a moment? The resources we desperately need! Hayward’s Primary School.
“Together, as one” Main function of the unit to improve the quality of first teaching: BEST PRACTICE IS COMMON PRACTICE Training/CPD Coaching Support Directing Mentoring/Performance Management Hayward’s Primary School.
“Together, as one” Secondary function is monitoring and evaluation; Non-negotiables to be enforced; Lesson observations; Use of data; Predict and prevent; Interventions; Innovations. Hayward’s Primary School.
“Together, as one” Third function is to provide direct interventions; In class; Extracted; In groups; One-on-one; Teacher-led and TA-led. Hayward’s Primary School.
“Together, as one” Fourth function is families and outside agencies; Communication; Support; Specialist help. Hayward’s Primary School.
What the CAN is not..... The panacea! The unit that is responsible for ensuring the progress of children; An intervention; Working only with SEN children; The finished product Hayward’s Primary School.
Non-negotiables Time to think is for: children to be working on literacy or numeracy problems and responding to feedback; Teachers to be conferencing and following-up from feedback. Independent Inspirational Write: Linked to teaching sequence; Must, should and could as appropriate to child; Focussed mark with feedback and action point assessment for learning
Non-negotiables WALT. Guided group work: Differentiation/scaffolding; Use of other adults; Use of calculation policy. Use of marking code. Use of team points. Creative curriculum. High expectations: Learning/outcomes; Behaviour.
How does it work then? CAN register overview Hayward’s Primary School.
CAN register - Contextualised Hayward’s Primary School.
CAN register Hayward’s Primary School.
What next? CAN PfS – please read for more details RT&D Pfs – please read for innovations; CAN staff meetings; CAN Behaviour Support Meetings; CAN timetable.... Hayward’s Primary School.
Timetable this half term Hayward’s Primary School.