I Thessalonians 4:13-18
The story of Lazarus in John 11 has some interesting insight concerning resurrection. In John 11, Mary & Martha are going to come under disaster testing – the “death” of their brother. What will they do with the Bible doctrine they have learned? The same question applies to us. The Lord doesn’t delay because He wants to, or because He has any mental attitude sins, or because He doesn’t love us. In verse 5, we see that He loved (agapaō) Martha, Mary, & Lazarus. Resurrection: The Christian Dead Will Rise (John 11)
Vs. 6 – 7 points on 2 days delay: 1.Jesus delayed 2 days to ensure the situation was hopeless. 2.There is no such thing as a hopeless situation for a believer. 3.The Lord’s timing for deliverance is perfect – ours isn’t! 4.We can always find an answer to every problem in the essence of God – instead we weep, wail, repent, beg, & say, “Take it away!” 5.Christ wants us to endure – with blessing (I Pet. 1:7, 8). 6.Never try to interpret God’s will from human viewpoint. 7.Suffering is permitted for the greatest blessing. Resurrection: The Christian Dead Will Rise (John 11)
In verse 7, He is saying, “OK guys, let’s move toward danger instead of running from it!” (Cf. vs. 8 & 16.) “Rabbi” (vs. 8) – they always called Him Lord when things were going right! Vs. 8 – “they keep on seeking to stone you!” Vs. 9 – 12 hour working day – refers to service. We are here for a purpose – to serve. We are safe no matter where we are as long as we are walking in the light of God’s will. Seeing the light of the world refers to occupation with Christ. Vs. 10 deals with the unsaved, or the believer out of fellowship. Resurrection: The Christian Dead Will Rise (John 11)
Vs. 11 – “friend” (philos). “Sleeps” – Christian death (body sleep only). Vs. 12 – the disciples are saying, “Good, now we don’t have to go back there!” Vs. 15 – “glad” (chairō) (to rejoice). Rejoicing because they were going to learn the lesson of faith-rest (safety with Jesus). The motive of delay: 1.Delayed for the sake of the disciples (cf. II Pet. 3:9, 10). 2.If they would have gone early, the disciples would have only witnessed a healing. Not good enough – they had already seen healings, etc., but it didn’t change their spiritual condition one bit! 3.Delayed until death & burial sets the stage for the 7 th sign. 4.Not only the 7 th sign, but it will prepare the disciples for teaching on resurrection – provides a frame of reference for the upper room discourse. “May believe” – maybe you will, & maybe you won’t! Resurrection: The Christian Dead Will Rise (John 11)
Vs. 16 – like seeing a plane crash, then saying let’s go up! Brave, but assuming they are going to die! No fun to die without doctrine! He didn’t have doctrine because he was skeptical. Vs. 20 – Martha & Mary were bogged down with the details of life, & therefore not prepared for a crisis situation. Vs. 21 – she is saying that no one had ever died in the presence of the Lord. Then in vs. 22 Martha seems to display faith – “know” (oida). In vs. 24 she is still looking to the future, not the present – it is easy to say, “I believe!” for the future! Vs. 25 & 26 – 2 great verses on resurrection. “Never” – “never, ever, forever.” Vs. 27 – Breakthrough! Shows she had learned some doctrine from this situation – learning under pressure is a rough way to learn! Resurrection: The Christian Dead Will Rise (John 11)
Vs. 31 – Human viewpoint – the weeping of the unsaved. Vs. 32 – Mary’s turn now! “If” – 2 nd class condition – basically saying, “You should have been here!” She listened to others more than the Word of God – she should have known better. Vs. 35 – “wept” – a soft, silent weeping. Jesus wept: – Over a city (Lk. 19:41) (a loud cry). – In Gethsemane (in anticipation of maximum pain) (Heb. 5:7). – Over unbelief (Jn. 11:35). Resurrection: The Christian Dead Will Rise (John 11)
Vs. 35 – Doctrine of Weeping: 1)Weeping of unbelief (frustration) (Num. 14:1). 2)Weeping of grief (Jn. 11:33). 3)Weeping of regret (II Sam. 18:33-19:4). 4)Weeping of legalism (Ezra 3:12, 13). 5)Weeping of testing (Ps. 30:5). 6)Weeping of judgment (Matt. 8:12; 25:30). 7)Weeping of patriotism (Is. 22:4; Jer. 9:1; Lam. 1:16). 8)Cessation of weeping (Rev. 21:4; Is. 30:19). Resurrection: The Christian Dead Will Rise (John 11)
Vs. 37 – No matter what you do, there will always be those who are antagonistic. Vs. 39 – God doesn’t do what we can do. Vs. 40 – Faith-rest belief – enjoy the ride! 3 rd class condition – maybe you will, & maybe you won’t! Vs. 44 – shouted, “Lazarus” so that all the dead in the graveyard didn’t come forth! Resurrection: The Christian Dead Will Rise (John 11)
Lessons from Lazarus: 1)Lazarus was dead – man is spiritually dead (Rom. 5:12; Eph. 2:1). 2)Raising from the dead depicts salvation with emphasis on positional truth (40+ things). 3)As Lazarus died later, we too will die later. 4)Bound & loosed depicts victory over the Old Sin Nature (OSN) (by the Filling of The Spirit – Gal. 5:16; Eph. 5:18). 5)Lazarus feasting (12:1, 2) depicts the believer learning doctrine. 6)Lazarus witnessing (12:9, 11) depicts the believer producing divine good. 7)Any difficult situation we face can bring glory to God because God can bring good out of any bad situation. 8)When trouble comes, do you whine, complain, & blame God, or do you see your problems as opportunities to honor Him? Resurrection: The Christian Dead Will Rise (John 11)