FORMATION OF CARE GROUP UNDERLYING BASIC PRESUPPOSITIONS: FORMATION OF CARE GROUP The love of God exemplified at the cross (John 3:16) The Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20) The remnant are a people with a purpose (Rev. 14:6). The church move as one body (I Cor. 12:12)
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP RECOMMENDED: To approve the proposed Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle program with its focus on CARE GROUP (small group) MINISTRIES across the Union starting 2013 onwards. FORMATION OF CARE GROUP
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Christ Method of Reaching People Ministry of Healing, pg. 143 The Method of Jesus: “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’” FORMATION OF CARE GROUP
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Christ Method of Reaching People Ministry of Healing, pg. 143 The Six “C” C - contact “The Saviour mingled with men . . .” C – concern “as one who desired their good.” C – compassion “He showed sympathy for them . . . C – commitment “ministered to their needs, C – confident “won their confidence. C – conversion ‘Follow Me.’” FORMATION OF CARE GROUP
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Not only is the truth to be presented in public assemblies; house-to-house work is to be done. .. This house-to-house labor, searching for souls, hunting for the lost sheep, is the most essential work that can be done. (Evangelism p. 431) FORMATION OF CARE GROUP
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Our people make a great mistake when, after holding a camp meeting and gathering a few souls, they take down the tents and feel that their duty is done. Their work had only just begun. They have preached doctrines that are new and strange to the people who heard them, and then left the seed sown to be picked up by the birds, or else to wither away... (Evangelism P. 431) FORMATION OF CARE GROUP
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP What is Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle Approach Focusing on Care Groups? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP “The formation of small companies as bases of Christian effort is a plan that has been presented before me and by One who cannot err. If there is a large number in the church, let the members be formed into small companies to work not only for the church members but for unbelievers also.” Evangelism, 115
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP What is Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle Approach Focusing on Care Groups? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Hold Bible readings and pray with families and little companies.-- The best work you can do is to teach, to educate... Continue this work in connection with your more public efforts. Preach less and educate more by holding Bible readings, and by praying with families and little companies. RH Dec. 8, 1885.
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP What is Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle Approach Focusing on Care Groups? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP “The Lord desires that many shall be converted, and act as his helping hand in reaching other.” Gospel Workers, 349 “Believers in the cities can work for God in their neighborhood of their homes” Gospel Workers , 351 “Let little companies meet together to study the scriptures. You will loose nothing by this, but you will gain much” The Day With God, 11.
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP What is Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle Approach Focusing on Care Groups? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Hold Bible readings for families and their neighbors.--There is need of a different kind of labor in our churches from what they have had. Those ministers who are inclined merely to preach, and not to visit and put forth personal effort, need to break up this habit by working earnestly in families. Let families invite in their neighbors, and then let the minister hold Bible readings with them, and become acquainted with them. . . .
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP What is Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle Approach Focusing on Care Groups? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP There needs to be less preaching and more pastoral work done in our churches. Those who have no aptitude for this kind of labor, should educate themselves, and come more into harmony with Christ's manner of working. HM Nov. 1, 1890.
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Christian Schwartz discovered that small churches were actually 1600 percent more effective in reaching the harvest than mega churches. Many of the members of our large churches are doing comparatively nothing. They might accomplish a good work if, instead of crowding together, they would scatter into places that have not yet been entered by the truth ... Many of the members are dying spiritually for want of this very work. They are becoming sickly and inefficient. 8T, 224 FORMATION OF CARE GROUP
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP What is Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle Approach Focusing on Care Groups? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP It is an evangelism approach which will: Be owned, committed and participated by all SDA members in SAUM Territory Bring Revival & Reformation Be the life experience of church members as they actively involved in care group ministries.
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle Approach FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Primarily, composed of family unit/s and other “family groups” making their homes centers of Hope and Health to carry out “LOVE IN ACTION” activities in the church as part of the gospel” Focus on the family units
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle Approach FORMATION OF CARE GROUP This is a “family to family” approach and is meant to be a lifestyle of all Adventists that also involve the youth and children in witnessing. Focus on the family units
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP CARE GROUPS Composition: FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Intercessor Family (I F) Cared Family (C F) ----------------------------------- I F + C F = C G The C G highlights Intercessory Prayer! Focus on the family units
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Who are considered the Intercessor Family (IF)? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP All SDA family unit/s Other SDA “family groups” Single professionals Students Lone family member Intercessor Family
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Who are considered the Cared Family (CF)? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Non-SDA families Neighbors and Friends Relatives Elite Professionals Students Religious Leaders Government Employees Former SDA Members Intercessor Family
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP What are the materials to be used in Care Group meetings? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Care Group Materials Note: The materials to be used are not limited to the above!
Homes of Hope and Happiness WIN! WELLNESS Homes of Hope and Happiness Why WIN! WELLNESS Resources: It is an integrated balanced lifestyle giving balance/equal treatment to the physical, spiritual, and relational dimensions of life. Improve health and family relationships Experience Healthier and happier lives Become Medical Missionaries Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle
Homes of Hope and Happiness WIN! WELLNESS Homes of Hope and Happiness Why WIN! WELLNESS Resources: It brings power to heal our past brokenness and helps set us free from everything which holds us back – drugs, addictions, immorality, a sedentary lifestyle, negative habits, twisted thinking, sin. Make right choices Enhance peace and harmony Bring hope Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle
Homes of Hope and Happiness WIN! WELLNESS Homes of Hope and Happiness Why WIN! WELLNESS Resources: It presents Christ in every factor as the motivating means for transformed, triumphant living. Speed up the spread of 3 angel’s message Prepare us for God’s kingdom Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle
Homes of Hope and Health! making Adventist homes a centers of Hope and Health Evangelistic lifestyle All Adventists involves (youth and children) in witnessing Family to Family” approach! to carry out “Love-in-Action” activities in the church as part of the gospel through CARE GROUPS.
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Who are the authors of the WINWELLNESS materials? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Millie Youngberg, EdD Wes Youngberg, DrPH, MPH, CNS John B. Youngberg, EdD
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP What are the materials needed? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Manual Resource Book CD – (Scripts & Nurturing materials) DVD Devotional Readings Sample resources Handouts-non-SDA participants Materials Needed
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Why “Win Wellness materials? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Improve health and family relationships Enhance peace and harmony Experience Healthier and happier lives Become Medical Missionaries Make right choices Bring hope Speed up the spread of 3 angel’s message Prepare us for God’s kingdom Materials Needed
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Care Groups Meeting – Format FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Acts 2:42, 47 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP When & how long will the Care Groups Meet? FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Once a week 60 – 90 minutes 10 minutes – Fellowship 10 minutes – Praise/singing 60 minutes – Bible Study 30 minutes – presentation 30 minutes – discussion 10 minutes – prayer
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Maintaining Care Groups In the Local Church FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Conduct a weekly CG leaders’ meeting – for motivation Overview the presentation with the presenters Conduct monthly/quarterly events to bond the CG members Conduct a yearly/festival event to bring all CG together (Festival of CG) Etc.
FORMATION OF CARE GROUP Suggested care group slogan: WIN! WELLNESS - Healthy Lifestyle, Longer Life! Godly Lifestyle, Eternal Life!
“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit”, says the FORMATION OF CARE GROUP TIME IS RUNNING OUT, Let us all wake up! “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit”, says the Lord Almighty. Zech 4:6