Braeriach & Ben MacDui Welcome Meeting
Gym Days Monday Tuesday Friday PE in stage groups When children have PE as a Master Class on Monday, another PE slot may be cancelled
Master Classes Master Classes will take place on Monday afternoons Children will be working in stage groups for master classes Term 1 Master classes – – P3 Gardening and Art – P4 Technology and PE – P5 PE and Technology
Science Children will work in stages classes Both classes will look at the same science topic & work will be differentiated Term 1 will focus on Water
Community Groups Children will choose preferred community group & we will do our best to accommodate their choices Community Groups this session – RRS- Gardening- Pupil Council – Health- Library – Eco- Road Safety
Curriculum for Excellence Children will develop skills through the Experiences and Outcomes The experiences are broken down into “I can…” statements which can be seen in the learning logs Children all have their own individual learning logs Information will be shared with parents through termly class newsletters and learning conversations
Active Learning Children will do a lot of learning through games, group challenges & investigative play Children will increase in confidence and independence in learning through group and individual learning activities Teachers and Classroom Assistants will be available to support independent tasks
Active Learning Approaches Children will be encouraged to engage with tasks through various approaches to teaching and learning such as – – Lolly sticks – Whiteboards – Traffic lights – Class voting – Exit passes etc
Numeracy Children will work across both classes for numeracy this session (within groups) Active learning approaches will support lessons & written activities Children will use the open area as well as classroom area
Literacy Children will move between the Braeriach & Ben MacDui classrooms and the open area for literacy work (in groups) Literacy will eventually become more intertwined with the topic providing the children with a context for story writing and reading allowing children to draw links between curricular areas.
Topic We will work together across both classes for topic Term 1 – Mini Eco Topic – Water – Scottish History – The Vikings Children may work on topic at different times e.g. some children may work on a topic task while another group work on reading – this allows for quality group teaching time
Homework Children will be given weekly homework which will be displayed on the school website & noted in homework diaries Spelling & numeracy (including Learn Its) will generally be done weekly Reading homework will continue until children move to Literacy World
Our Expectations Children will be expected to always be polite, kind and helpful towards each other Children will be expected to always try their best Children will be given responsibility for their own learning through participating fully in the learning experiences and activities
Golden Time As per the school behaviour policy children can earn up to 30 min of Golden Time per week Children follow the Golden Rules and Class Rules (which they have set themselves) Children who do not follow the rules, will be given a warning, followed by a yellow and then a red card (red card = - 5 min) Children in P4 & P5 will earn Golden Time using the Savings Card – earning “money” to buy Golden Time Activities Children have the opportunity to earn Golden Tickets (by following the rules), which give them the opportunity to gain a reward at the end of the term
General School Information Children arriving at the school from 9.05am will be recorded as late Any changes to medical information – staff should be notified The school is, as always, looking for parent helpers – please let me know if you wish to add your name to the list
This Evening There are various activities and information stalls in throughout the school, including – TBC?????
Finally – Worries and Concerns Correspondence folders will be sent home daily with any letters, homework etc. – please feel free to add any notes etc. into these folders If you have any worries or concerns please contact me - no matter how small