What happens? When two objects interact (push or pull), P2 2.1 Forces Between objects When two objects interact (push or pull), they exert equal and opposite forces on each other. 10N 10N What happens?
What happens? When two objects interact (push or pull), P2 2.1 Forces Between objects The skaters move towards each other When two objects interact (push or pull), they exert equal and opposite forces on each other. 10N 10N What happens?
F c P2 2.1 Forces Between objects At any stage this is true Ft But to pull the car out of the mud Ft > F c
What happens if a car accelerates while its wheels are on carpet mats? there isn’t enough friction ? Friction acts where the tyre is in contact with the road. (even when accelerating or braking) Wheel slides What happens if a car accelerates while its wheels are on carpet mats? Carpet mats move backwards, car moves forwards (a little)
Trolley pulled along a flat runway (Not showing vertical forces) Pull on the trolley Pull on the person pulling Friction on the runway Friction on the trolley 5 N 5 N 1 Kg Ft Fr Ft Fr What would happen if the trolley got stuck on the runway? You pull the runway along too!
A floating ball D C B A Equal and opposite forces: * act on different objects * act in opposite directions * are the same type of force * act along the same line D C B - weight (force of gravity on the ball) A - gravitational pull of ball on the earth B C - contact force of water on ball (Upthrust) A - contact force of ball on the water A
A floating ball Paper clips held by a magnet D C N S H G B A F E Equal and opposite forces: * act on different objects * act in opposite directions * are the same type of force * act along the same line A F E
A book at rest A stretched spring P Q R S U V X Y