ROOTS 1+2 Advocacy Toolkit ROOTS 1+2 Advocacy toolkit
Section B3 The WHY of advocacy The biblical basis for advocacy
Section B3: Why should Christians be involved in advocacy? Using strategic influence Speaking out against injustice & idolatry Modelling an alternative society Praying for God to intervene Bringing peace & reconciliation Seeking social & economic justice
Section B3: What is the role of the church in advocacy? Local influence Empowering citizens Gathering information locally Sharing information at a local level Acting as a mediator and peacemaker Prayer
Section B3: What are the potential problems for the church in advocacy? Church leaders can be politically compromised Churches can abuse their power Churches do not always have a legitimate mandate to speak Churches can lack specialist knowledge Churches can fail to teach & implement learning on social justice Churches can be vulnerable to state persecution
Section B3: How is advocacy part of integral mission? Integral mission is about restoring relationships through reconciliation – with God, self, the environment, people close to us and people we do not know The process of restoring relationships happens through the interaction of three groups in society – governments, businesses and civil society, with the church playing a unique role within civil society
Section B3: What are biblical motivations for advocacy? Compassion Equality of all people before God Social and economic justice Reconciliation and peace within communities Love and active responsibility to others Wise stewardship of resources etc…
Section B3: The fullness of salvation Salvation is about ‘putting things right’ and reversing the effects of sin, bringing healing at all levels – individual, societal and political The fullness of salvation is the good news of the kingdom of God coming, wherever God reigns – in people’s hearts, relationships, systems and structures The good news includes reconciliation with God, freedom from oppression, blessing from God and hope for the poor
Section B3: God’s justice and compassion All human beings are made in God’s image, have equal value and should have equal respect God loves all people and has a special concern for the poor, marginalised and oppressed Old Testament God liberates his people from oppression in Egypt… New Testament Jesus teaches us to love God and love our neighbour, eg the Good Samaritan…
Section B3: Which Bible characters were advocates and why? Nehemiah Moses and Aaron Esther and Mordecai Abraham Samuel Joseph Paul etc…
Section B3: What can we learn from Jesus about being an advocate? He modelled servant leadership He gave dignity and value to those who were despised and marginalised He challenged corruption, hypocrisy and injustice He encouraged others to fulfil their responsibility He obeyed the law of the land He taught love for enemies