CMM 2013 Rapid and Profound Mathematics Teacher Change - Peter Liljedahl
CMM 2013 Changes in Teachers’ Practice action research (Jasper & Taube, 2004) lesson study (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999) communities of practice (McClain & Cobb, 2004; Wenger, 1998) collegial discourse about teaching (Lord, 1994)
CMM 2013 Changes in Teachers’ Practice Conclusions show that with time and continued intervention, support, and collaboration teachers can make significant and robust changes to their practice. RAPID and PROFOUND 48 CASES
CMM 2013 Methodology FACILITATOR & researcher DATA ANALYSIS FACILITATOR & researcher –noticing (Mason, 2002) DATA COLLECTION –interviews –school visits –observations –field notes –narratives (Clandinin, 1992) DATA ANALYSIS –grounded theoryish (Charmaz, 2006)
CMM 2013 Results Five Mechanisms of Change 1.conceptual change (n = 8) 2.accommodating outliers (n=6) 3.reification (n=12) 4.leading belief change (n=6) 5.push-pull rhythm of change (n=16)
CMM 2013 Conceptual Change – the story of Mary elementary school teacher for + 20 years in recent years become disillusioned –curriculum as disjoint topics –little connection –students don’t think –traditional teaching she doesn’t like being the type of teacher he has become – rejected her teaching
CMM 2013 Conceptual Change – the story of Mary attended much pro-d piloted new textbook LOOKING FOR A BETTER WAY! started her Master’s with SFU –7 courses –taught remotely
CMM 2013 Conceptual Change – the story of Mary re-think how she looked at curriculum: –processes (estimation, communication, reasoning, problem solving, technology, connections, visualization) as content –list of topics as context THIS COMPLETED MARY’S CONCEPTUAL CHANGE
CMM 2013 Conceptual Change – the story of Mary CONCEPTUAL CHANGE misconceptionsrejectionreplacementsynthesis misconceptionsrejectionseekingreplacement Mary’s Change
CMM 2013 Accommodating Outliers – the story of Mitchell middle school teacher for 8 years mathematics is a game with set rules and very clear outcomes mathematics is a collection of skills and facts he sees his job as assuring that each student learns these skills and facts students' role is to learn the material Mitchell is a traditional mathematics teacher
CMM 2013 Accommodating Outliers – the story of Mitchell less traditional in other subjects welcomes professional development opportunities –"on the right track" –"there are some really fun activities that I now do with my kids" –"completely pointless" AVOIDING ACCOMMODATION
CMM 2013 district learning team to create numeracy tasks –5 meetings –create definition of numeracy –create/revise tasks pilot test Accommodating Outliers – the story of Mitchell
CMM 2013 district learning team to create numeracy tasks –5 meetings –create definition of numeracy –create/revise tasks pilot test change between 2 nd and 3 rd meeting ACCOMMODATION Accommodating Outliers – the story of Mitchell
CMM 2013 Reification – the story of Danica middle school teacher for 13 years unhappy in her teaching knows that she is doing many things well –group work –problem solving –pilot testing new textbook –formative assessment BUT it all lacks cohesion
CMM 2013 Reification – the story of Danica district learning team to create numeracy tasks (same as Mitchell) –5 meetings –create definition of numeracy "Numeracy is the willingness and ability to apply and communicate mathematical understanding and procedures in novel and meaningful problem solving situations."
CMM 2013 Reification – the story of Danica communication (thinking) - curriculum - problem solving - assessment - etc. reified
CMM 2013 Reification – the story of Danica Reification ‘‘the process of giving form to our experiences by producing objects that congeal this experience into thingness’’ (Wenger, 1998) –teaching lacks “thingness” –communication was something that Danica could organize her teaching and her thinking about teaching around
CMM 2013 Leading Belief Change- the story of Phil taught grade 6/7 for 5 years progressive teacher –group work –projects –problem based learning uses very traditional assessment practices
CMM 2013 Leading Belief Change- the story of Phil district organized series of three workshops on problem solving –just do it! –assessment –teaching through problem solving “Evaluation is double edged sword. When you evaluate you show your students what you value. Therefore, make sure you evaluate what you value”
CMM 2013 Leading Belief Change- the story of Phil beliefs about teaching beliefs about assessment beliefs about teaching
CMM 2013 Push-Pull Rhythm of Change – the story of Karen high-school teacher for 16 years practice best be described as meticulous builds her instruction around homework makes herself available to her students before school, after school, and at lunch pride in success with "challenging" students
CMM 2013 district learning team to create numeracy tasks (not same as Mitchell and Danica) –8 meetings –create definition of numeracy –create/revise tasks pilot test Push-Pull Rhythm of Change – the story of Karen
CMM 2013 district learning team to create numeracy tasks (not same as Mitchell and Danica) –8 meetings –create definition of numeracy –create/revise tasks pilot test 3 rd meeting – revolt 4 th meeting – excited about changes needed Push-Pull Rhythm of Change – the story of Karen
CMM 2013 Push-Pull Rhythm of Change – the story of Karen Phase 1: exo-spection (x) Phase 2: eXo-spection (X) Phase 3: eNdo-spection (N) Phase 4: endo-spection (n) XN - 3 teachers xXN - 10 teachers xXNn - 3 teachers
CMM 2013 Conclusion from Research not all change is the same new possibilities within both my practice and my research I now question the assumptions upon which much of the professional growth literature has been predicated → (Liljedahl, in press)
CMM 2013 Conclusion since Research CHANGE AGENTS conceptual change build something –definition –tasks –rubrics –assessments back-up for eXo-section golden thread – next meeting