Pakistan Taliban attack on a military post in a tribal region – discrepancy over # of casualties Taliban car bomb that killed civilians (near tribal region)


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Presentation transcript:

Pakistan Taliban attack on a military post in a tribal region – discrepancy over # of casualties Taliban car bomb that killed civilians (near tribal region) TV show – media doing anything to try to get viewers … concern about media PM Gillani mailed anthrax spores Supreme court going to get more power – ppl scared that it will have too much power and make poor decisions US airstrike killed 24 Pakistani soldiers – Pakistan thinks it was on purpose

Pakistan Families killing children b/c can’t afford them (in Lahore) … only $75/mo … girls particular targets Pakistan doesn’t want US aid … should the US keep providing aid or pull back? NATO report on Taliban says Pakistan has been giving Taliban + Haqqani network refuge … Pakistan denies this Pakistan has nuclear weapons … is it sharing nuclear tech w/ Taliban & Haqqani? Fed Min for Religious Affairs + leader of PPP – assassination attempt

Questions Is the government ignoring the terrorist threat? If so, why? Why would the government provide safe refuge/aid to terrorists, especially given that Pakistani civilians suffer too? Theme of violence and casualties … why does this happen? How do the Pakistani and Afghani feel about terrorist groups? Why is America involved in Pakistan?

Afghanistan French might withdraw from Afg b/c of attack US troops will talk to Afghan citizens affiliated w/ Taliban … armed peace talk 19yr old woman’s ears and nose cut off by her husband … suffering abuse Shelters helping abused child brides Woman’s husband killed her for having 3 daughters … mother-in-law helped husband

Questions Women’s rights? Why do women lack rights? Where does that come from? Can that change, should that change?