Grade 3 Fluency Unit Lesson 1 I can check my fluency with addition & subtraction I can review strategies for addition I can review strategies for subtraction.


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Presentation transcript:

Grade 3 Fluency Unit Lesson 1 I can check my fluency with addition & subtraction I can review strategies for addition I can review strategies for subtraction

Grade 3-Unit 1 Lesson 1 I can make and interpret place value drawings. I can recognize that 1000 is 10 hundreds. Lesson 2 I can identify the value of a digit. I can make drawings to represent money amounts. Lesson 3 I can group and ungroup multi-digit numbers. I can solve word problems that require an understanding of place value.

Grade 3 Unit 1 cont. Lesson 4 I can identify numbers from scrambled place value names. I can solve place value word problems. Lesson 5 I can discuss and apply multi-digit addition methods. I can make proof drawings to show that addition methods are correct. Lesson 6 I can apply and discuss multi-digit addition methods. I can discuss why it is necessary to align places before adding.

Grade 3 – Unit 1 cont. Lesson 7 I can add money amounts. Lesson 8 I can decide when and how to group in multi-digit addition. I can practice adding money amounts. Lesson 9 I can practice adding money amounts. I can identify and explain errors in addition problems. Lesson 10 I can explore methods of subtracting multi-digit numbers. I can discuss a common subtraction error.

Grade 3 – Unit 1 cont. Lesson 11 I can subtract with zeros in the top number. I can solve subtraction problems involving money. Lesson 12 I can subtract using two different methods. I can explain when and how to ungroup when subtracting multi-digit numbers. Lesson 13 I can relate grouping in addition and ungrouping in subtraction. Lesson 14 I can practice and discuss subtraction methods.

Grade 3 – Unit 1 cont. Lesson 15 I can practice and discuss addition and subtraction methods. Lesson 16 I can solve a variety of problems using mathematical concepts and skills. I can use the mathematical processes of problem solving, connections, reasoning and proof, communication, and representation.

Grade 3 - Unit 2 Lesson 1 I can measure lengths to the nearest centimeter. I can draw line segments of given lengths. I can find perimeters of triangles and quadrilaterals. Lesson 2 I can identify and find examples to illustrate the terms, line, line segment, parallel, and perpendicular. I can identify opposite and adjacent sides of quadrilaterals.

Grade 3 – Unit 2 cont. Lesson 3 I can develop definitions for parallelogram, rectangle, square, and rhombus. I can explore the relationships among parallelograms, rectangles, squares, and rhombuses. I can find the perimeters of rectangles and squares without measuring all four sides. Lesson 4 I can draw parallelograms and rectangles. I can observe the relationship between the dimensions of a rectangle and its perimeter. Lesson 5 I can review the features of quadrilaterals, parallelograms, rectangles and squares. I can describe the relationships among various types of quadrilaterals.

Grade 3- Unit 3 Lesson 1 I can represent and solve a variety of word problems. I can review the relationships between addition and subtraction. Lesson 2 I can represent and solve a variety of word problems. I can review the relationships between addition and subtraction. Lesson 3 I can represent and solve word problems with unknown starts. I can convert situation equations to solution equations. Lesson 4 I can interpret and use comparison language such as the words more and fewer to solve word problems. I can represent and solve comparison word problems.

Grade 3 – Unit 3 cont. Lesson 5 I can interpret and apply comparison language. I can represent and solve comparison word problems with misleading language. Lesson 6 I can represent and solve multi-digit word problems with unknown partners and express relationships as equations and inequalities. I can represent and solve multi-digit word problems with unknown starts. Lesson 7 I can represent and solve multi-digit comparison problems. I can represent and solve multi-digit comparison problems with misleading language.

Grade 3 – Unit 3 cont. Lesson 8 I can represent and solve a variety of multi-digit word problems. Lesson 9 I can solve a variety of problems using mathematical concepts and skills. I can use the mathematical processes of problem solving, connections, reasoning and proof, communication, and representation. Grade 3 - Unit 4 Lesson 1 I can draw lines of symmetry. I can identify congruent halves of figures and congruent figures.

Grade 3 – Unit 4 cont. Lesson 2 I can label and name figures using letters. I understand the relationship between the diagonals of quadrilaterals and the triangles they form. Lesson 3 I understand what an angle is and name angles by size. I can describe and name polygons. I understand the relationship between quadrilaterals and triangles.

Grade 3 – Unit 4 cont. Lesson 4 I can estimate angle measures by comparing them to angles with known measures. I can discover that the sum of the measures of the angles in any triangle is 180 degrees. Given the measures of two angles in a triangle, I can find the measure of the third angle. Grade 3- Unit 5 Lesson 1 I can round numbers to the nearest hundred. I can round to estimate sums and differences and check calculations.

Grade 3- Unit 5 Lesson 1 I can round numbers to the nearest hundred. I can round to estimate sums and differences and check calculations. Lesson 2 I can round numbers to the nearest ten. I can use rounding to estimate sums and differences. I can estimate quantities. Lesson 3 I can compare and order whole numbers. I can compare the values of expressions.

Grade 3 – Unit 5 cont. Lesson 4 I can review the values of a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. I can determine and compare the values of collections of coins and bills. Lesson 5 I can represent amounts of money in various ways. I can practice counting out the exact amount of money to make a purchase.

Grade 3 – Unit 5 cont. Lesson 6 I can use the Counting On strategy to make change from purchases. Lesson 7 I can round money amounts to the nearest dime or dollar. I can make estimates in real-world situations involving money. Lesson 8 I can interpret information in tables. I can write and solve problems based on tables with data.

Grade 3 – Unit 5 cont. Lesson 9 I can use information in tables to create and solve word problems. I can complete tables. Lesson 10 I can create a simple table. I can practice completing tables in which there is a mathematical relationship between the columns. Lesson 11 I can represent and solve word problems with extra or hidden information. Lesson 12 I can identify word problems with not enough information to solve and identify the information needed. I can rewrite word problems with not enough information.

Grade 3 – Unit 5 cont. Lesson 13 I can solve word problems requiring two steps. Lesson 14 I can solve multi-step word problems requiring two or more steps. Lesson 15 I can write and answer questions using horizontal and vertical bar graphs. I can create bar graphs to represent data from tables. I can find the mode and range of data.

Grade 3 – Unit 5 cont. Lesson 16 I can analyze data in horizontal and vertical bar graphs. I can use information in a table to create horizontal and vertical bar graphs. Lesson 17 I can construct and analyze frequency tables and line plots. I can match a set of data with a graph and describe the important features. Lesson 18 I can solve a variety of problems using mathematical concepts and skills. I can use the mathematical processes of problem solving, connections, reasoning and proof, communication and representation.

Grade 3- Unit 6 Lesson 1 I can recognize and describe slides, flips and turns. I can recognize slides, flips, and turns in geometric patterns and can create patterns. Lesson 2 I can identify and continue a repeating number pattern. I can identify and continue a repeating geometric pattern. Lesson 3 I can identify and continue a number pattern that grows or shrinks. I can identify and continue a geometric pattern that grows or shrinks.

Grade 3- Unit 7 Lesson 1 I can explore patterns in 5s count-bys and multiplications. I can learn important multiplication vocabulary. Lesson 2 I can use multiplication to represent repeated groups situations. I can use drawings to help solve word problems involving repeated groups. Lesson 3 I can use multiplication to represent array situations. I can use drawings to help solve word problems involving arrays. I can understand that multiplication is communicative.

Grade 3 – Unit 7 cont. Lesson 4 I can relate division to multiplication. I can represent and solve division word problems. Lesson 5 I can explore patterns in 2’s count-bys and multiplications. I can interpret a pictograph. Lesson 6 I can explore patterns in 10s count-bys, multiplication and division. Lesson 7 I can explore patterns in 9s multiplications and divisions. I can use a strategy for multiplying and dividing with 9s quickly.

Grade 3 – Unit 7 cont. Lesson 8 I can practice 2s, 5s, 9s, and 10s multiplications and divisions. Lesson 9 I can explore patterns in 3s count-bys, multiplications and divisions. I can use a strategy for finding count-bys and products for multipliers greater than 5. Lesson 10 I can understand the area model for multiplication. I can use a shortcut for solving a multiplication problem.

Grade 3 – Unit 7 cont. Lesson 11 I can recognize and identify multiplication and division word problems. I can write and solve multiplication and division word problems. Lesson 12 I can explore patterns in 4s multiplication and count- bys. I can use a strategy for finding 4s count-bys and solving problems involving 4s. Lesson 13 I understand the relationships in the fast array. I can develop multiplication and division strategies.

Grade 3 – Unit 7 cont. Lesson 14 I can look for patterns in 1s multiplication, count-by, and division. I can explore multiplications and divisions with zero and learn that divisions by zero are not possible. I can investigate the Properties of Addition and Multiplication. Lesson 15 I can practice with 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 9s, and 10s multiplication and division. Lesson 16 I can practice multiplication and division for 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 9s, and 10s. I can solve multiplication and division word problems.

Grade 3 – Unit 7 cont. Lesson 17 I can solve a variety of problems using mathematical concepts and skills. I can use the mathematical processes of problem solving, connections, reasoning and proof, communication and representation.