Pathology Job Market Assessment Sharon Bihlmeyer, MD, FCAP Michael S. Brown, MD, FCAP
We Set out to Gain Initial Insight into the Following… 1.Is it difficult to find a job following residency or fellowship? 2.If it is difficult, why is it difficult – and how difficult is it? 3.Are residents finding it necessary to do multiple fellowships to be competitive in today’s market place?
We surveyed a CAP Member Research Panel (258 CAP Fellows who have been in practice for 1-5 years.) Results were at a 90% confidence level with a +/- 5% margin of error. CAP Survey Overview
CAP Fellow Age Statistics 4018 CAP Fellow members are 55 and older. –This accounts for 36% of total Fellow members –Ages 55 through 65 account for 78% of the 55+ group What does this mean? –High percentage “soon to retire” which could significantly open up the job market *Based on March 2009 CAP data
U.S. Age Statistics The older population (65+) numbered 37.9 million in 2007 which is an increase of 11.2% since U.S. population age 65+ is expected to double in size within the next 25 years. Persons reaching age 65 have an average life expectancy of an additional 19 years. The age group 85+ is now the fastest growing segment. *based off date taken from the US Census Bureau and Dept. Health and Human Services
What does this mean? The need for Pathologists will increase due to the aging population. –Additional tests required –Higher likelihood of chronic conditions As Pathologists retire there will be a significant increase in available positions.
Survey Questions/Results How many have completed or are currently in a fellowship? 88%
How many fellowships did you complete? One 67% Two 30% Three+ 3%
Why did you do a fellowship? Interest in the Specialty90% To be more competitive for jobs82% Need for additional skill training 81% The job I wanted was not available 7%
How many jobs did you apply for? One22% Two 16% Three17% Four 9% Five+36%
Did you receive a job offer? Yes97% No 3%
How many offers did you get? One44% Two29% Three19% Four+ 8%
Were you offered a position in your preferred geographic location? City40% State17% Region of US30% No13%
Were you able to get a job in your preferred practice setting? Yes90% No10%
Did the interviewers care about the number of publications you authored? Yes33% No47% Don’t Know20%
How important was networking and personal contacts in finding leads for jobs? Extremely/Very Important 84%
How difficult was it to find a job? Mostly Easy44% Neutral33% Mostly Difficult22%
How happy are/were you in your first job? Mostly Happy62% Neutral23% Less Happy15%
What was the biggest barrier to overcome in finding the first job? Positions in geographic preferred area55% Shortage of positions in general32% (yet 97% got jobs!) Positions in preferred practice setting31%
What CAP career resources did you find valuable in your job search? Open positions on the Online Career Ctr48% Networking at the annual meeting16% Posting my resume online via OCC14% Use of the CAP online membership directory 11%
During residency or fellowship training, what opportunities did you find most helpful in your job search? Working with pathologists in my training program 70% Being introduced to Colleagues by well-known pathologists who trained me 58% Attending local state society meetings 25%
Summary Good News! Job market is competitive but not overly saturated. 97% got offers with the average applicant getting two offers. 88% did a fellowship with the majority doing one.
Summary Positions in desired cities, states or regions are more difficult to locate. The majority found it relatively easy to find a job – with only 1 in 5 having difficulty.
Summary Good News! A significant majority (62%) were happy in their first job. Demographics of the specialty and of the US population indicate a dramatic growth in the demand for Pathologists.